Moshe's Birth and the Legend of Sargon/0

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Moshe's Birth and the Legend of Sargon

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Many legends from both the ancient and classical periods share the motif of a hero being abandoned at birth, recalling the story of Moshe's infancy in Shemot 2.1 Of these, the closest parallel is probably the Mesopotamian legend retelling the birth of Sargon, founder of Akkad.2  In both stories a mother places her a baby in a basket and sets it on the river.  The baby is drawn from the water, adopted, and later grows to become a heroic figure.  A comparison of the two tales serves to highlight both the unique aspects of the Biblical episode and some of  the difficulties/ unknowns in the story.

Content Parallels and Contrasts

Parallels Contrasts
Parents Moshe's mother is from the Levite tribe and Sargon's mother is a priestess. In both stories, the father does not play an active role. While Sargon's father in unknown, Moshe's father is identified. Moreover, while Sargon loses contact with his mother, Moshe's mother continues to nurse him.
Baby Left in River Moshe and Sargon are both placed in a basket covered in bitumen and set in the river.  Sargon's mother "cast" him into the "river", suggesting abandonment.  In contrast, Moshe is "placed" in the "reeds", with his sister standing guard.
Background for Abandonment Yocheved's action are prompted by  Paroh's decree to kill all male babies.  No reason is given for Sargon's mother's actions. It is possible, though, that he was an illegitimate child and that priestesses were supposed to be chaste.
Salvation  Moshe is drawn from the water and adopted by Paroh's daughter, and Sargon is adopted by Aqqi, the water drawer. Moshe is saved by a member of the nobility while Sargon is saved by a commoner. This enables Moshe, born a slave, to move up in status, while Sargon, born to a higher class, moves down.
Unknown Identity Both Sargon and Moshe's full identity are unknown to their saviors. Moshe's Israelite origins are immediately apparent to Paroh's daughter.
Interim Profession Before assuming leadership roles, both engage in more common professions. Moshe is a shepherd and Sargon is a gardener.
Rise to Power Both become leaders of their respective peoples.

Literary Allusions


  • Degree of similarity – 
  • Distinctive phrases – 

Points of Contrast
