A Portrait of Yishmael/2

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Yishmael – Overview

Exegetical Approaches

Neutral to Positive

Yishmael is a neutral character.  He does not actively sin nor behave negatively in any way, but neither does he do any exemplary deeds.

Prophecy to Hagar – These commentators see in the prophecy either a positive or neutral characterization of the soon to be born Yishmael, but differ in the details:
  • Free – According to Ibn Ezra, "פֶּרֶא אָדָם" is a metaphor for a non-submissive person who is free from the yoke of others.1 The angel told Hagar that Yishmael would be a powerful individual, victorious over his neighbors ("יָדוֹ בַכֹּל"), but simultaneously inviting others to fight back ("יַד כֹּל בּוֹ").
  • Man of the desert – Radak asserts that "פֶּרֶא אָדָם" refers to a man of the desert, who, due to this nomadic lifestyle, will constantly be battling his neighbors ("יָדוֹ בַכֹּל...").  However, he will not flee from them, but manage to dwell amongst them ("עַל פְּנֵי כָל אֶחָיו יִשְׁכֹּן")‎.2
  • Man of civilization – Abarbanel reads the opening words of the angel as a rhetorical question, "will your son be a man of the desert?"3  The angel is, thus, informing Hagar that Yishmael will live amongst men ("עַל פְּנֵי כָל אֶחָיו יִשְׁכֹּן"), intermingling and socializing with them ‎("יָדוֹ בַכֹּל"),‎ and not alone in the wilderness.4
Avraham's plea: "לוּ יִשְׁמָעֵאל יִחְיֶה לְפָנֶיךָ" – According to Abarbanel, Avraham is asking Hashem what will become of Yishmael once Yitzchak is born.  He worries about both Yishmael's physical and spiritual well being,5 questioning whether Yishmael will die young (being replaced by Yitzchak)6  and whether he will be part of Hashem's covenant.  The question assumes that, in Avraham's eyes, there was no intrinsic disqualification which would automatically cause Yishmael to be rejected.
"מְצַחֵק" – Most of these commentators7 suggest that Yishmael was simply happily dancing,8 playing or laughing9 and that the word holds no derogatory connotation at all.
Why did Sarah want Yishmael expelled?
  • According to Jubilees and Ibn Ezra, Sarah was simply jealous,10 while Tzeror HaMor asserts that she was insulted as she mistakenly thought that Yishmael was laughing at her.11  
  • Abarbanel asserts that even before the incident Sarah was planning to expel Yishmael, fearing that otherwise he would claim rights to the inheritance. Seeing Yishmael being the center of attention simply confirmed her suspicions that the longer he stayed, the more difficult disinheriting him would become.
Evaluation of Sarah – According to Tzeror HaMor,  Yishmael's actions did not warrant an expulsion and Sarah sinned in her actions.12  Her descendants were later punished when the Yishmaelites refused water to the Children of Israel, resulting in many deaths.13 Radak too suggests that Sarah was deserving of rebuke, saying that Avraham only kept quiet for "peace in the house" (שלום בית).
Why did Hashem reject Yishmael? According to Abarbanel, as Hashem wanted the chosen line to emerge form Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak alone was to inherit.  Hashem, thus, agreed with Sarah that in order to ensure this and prevent any contesting of the inheritance, Yishmael had to be expelled from the home.14
Why is Avraham "upset about his son"? Avraham's reaction is understandable given that Yishmael did nothing to deserve expulsion.  Radak asserts that Avraham loved him, for after all, "בדרך טובה היה הולך"‎.15
בַּאֲשֶׁר הוּא שָׁם
Yishmael after the expulsion – Radak points to Yishmael's success as an archer, and lauds him for teaching this skill to his descendants, the Children of Kedar.  He even suggests that this part of the story was written so that all can learn from Yishmael the important lesson of passing on skills to one's children.
Polemical Motivations?

Mildly Negative

Yishmael has several negative traits, but he is not completely wicked.

Prophecy to Hagar – Both Ramban and Seforno assert that the prophecy pointed to some of Yishmael's negative character traits:
According to Seforno, the dual term "פֶּרֶא אָדָם" reflects what Yishmael inherited from both parents, from his mom, a donkey-like nature, and from his father, a more human side, reflected in his repentance later in life.16
Avraham's plea: "לוּ יִשְׁמָעֵאל יִחְיֶה לְפָנֶיךָ"
Why did Sarah want Yishmael expelled?
Why did Hashem reject Yishmael?
Why is Avraham "upset about his son"?
Polemical Motivations?

Extremely Negative

The character of Yishmael is evil, and he commits the most heinous of crimes, including the threesome of idolatry, murder and illicit relations.

Prophecy to Hagar
Avraham's plea: "לוּ יִשְׁמָעֵאל יִחְיֶה לְפָנֶיךָ"
Why did Sarah want Yishmael expelled?
Why did Hashem reject Yishmael?
Why is Avraham "upset about his son"?
Polemical Motivations?