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Treaties in the Ancient Near East

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Accompanied by sacrifices and a covenantal meal

  • Ancient Near Eastern examples

    Charles F. Fensham, in an article in BASOR 175 (1964): 51-54 cites examples from a letter from Mari and two treaties from Alalakh.

    • The letter from Mari (C. F. Jean, Archives royales de Mari II [1950], No. 37: 6-14) mentions a treaty between Ḫanaeans and Idamaras which was formed by slaughtering an ass.
    • In a treaty from Alalakh (Donald J. Wiseman, Abban and Alalah, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1958, pp. 126, 129), a sheep was slaughtered when Abban took an oath to Iarimlim.
    • In another treaty from Alalakh (Sidney Smith, The Statute of Idrimi [1949], pp. 16 f.), a sacrifice was made after the covenant between Idrimi and Sutarna.
  • Biblical instances