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Ibn Ezra – Intellectual Profile

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Ibn Ezra
R. Avraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra
ר' אברהם בן מאיר אבן עזרא, ראב"ע
Dates1092 – 1167
LocationAndalusia / Italy / Provence / France / England
WorksCommentaries on Torah and part of Nakh, math, science, and grammar works
Exegetical Characteristics
Influenced byR. Saadia Gaon, R. Yonah ibn Janach, R. Yehudah Hayuj
Impacted onMost Jewish Bible commentaries.



  • Name – 
    • Hebrew name – Avraham ben Meir ibn Ezra
    • _ name – 
  • Dates – 1092-11671
  • Location – 
  • Education – 
  • Occupation – Poet,2 Bible commentator
  • Family – Son Isaac – Isaac was a poet of note who spent most of his life in the Near East; Isaac is reported to have converted to Islam while in Babylonia.3  He later returned to Judaism. A heartrending lament by Ibn Ezra4 reveals that Isaac predeceased his father.
  • Teachers – 
  • Contemporaries –   R. Yehuda Ha-Levi,5 Rabbi Moshe ibn Ezra, Rashbam, R. Tam
  • Students – 
  • Time period – 
  • World outlook – 


  • Biblical commentaries – 
  • Rabbinics – 
    • Talmudic novellae – 
    • Halakhic codes – 
    • Responses to the works of others – 
    • Responsa – 
  • Jewish thought – 
  • Misattributed works – 

Torah Commentary


  • Verse by verse / Topical – 
  • Genre – 
  • Structure
  • Peshat and derash –  Emphasis on Peshat. Rabbinic interpretations  are to be accepted  with regards to halakhic practice even in cases where they do not appear to  in keeping with the literal meaning of the text. Aggadic interpretations which are not in keeping with the literal meaning of the text do not have to be taken at face value.. Often employs philosophy, numerology and astrology to explain biblical  texts.


  • – 


  • God is incorporeal.
  • Purpose of man is to know God, obey His laws, and cling to God.

Textual Issues

  • Manuscripts – 
  • Printings – 
  • Textual layers – 


Significant Influences

  • Earlier Sources – 
  • Teachers – 
  • Foils – 

Occasional Usage

Possible Relationship


Later exegetes
