
< Tzara'at
Version as of 23:58, 4 February 2017 by Neima (talk | contribs)

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Exegetical Approaches

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Divine Punishment

Tzaraat is a malady sent by Hashem to warn or punish a person for sin.

Natural or supernatural?
For which sins?
Biblical cases – Most of the stories in Tanakh which mention a person being afflicted with tzaraat explicitly speak of it as punishment.
  • Bemidbar 12– Miriam is Divinely struck with tzaraat for speaking against Moshe.
  • Shemuel II 3 – After killing Avner against David's wishes, Yoav is cursed that he shall be afflicted with tzaraat.
  • Melakhim II 5 – Gechazi is plagued by tzaraat upon the word of Elisha after he disobeys the prophet.
  • Divrei HaYamim II 26 – King Uziyahu is punished with tzaraat for his haughtiness in bringing the ketoret.
It is possible that the common denominator between all these  sins is a rebellion against authority.1
Comparison to tzaraat of the house and clothing
  • According to Vayikra Rabbah, Tanchuma, Rambam and Abarbanel, the afflictions brought on a person's clothing and house are meant to serve as warnings of sin, to lead the person to repent before he himself is bodily afflicted.  the obvious supernatural nature of the plagues
  • Ramban
  • Abarbanel

Natural Disease

Natural or supernatural?
Tzaraat of the house and clothing
Why does it  cause impurity?
Connection to other forms of impurity
  • Other cases of impurity, too, come as the result of natural processes.
  • Kashrut has been understood by many as related to health.
Biblical cases of tzaraat
Aspects of the purification process
  • Isolation
  • Chatat and asham
  • Sending away of birds
  • Ezov
  • Seven day waiting periods
Role of kohen