Why Couldn't David Build the Beit HaMikdash/2

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Why Couldn't David Build the Beit HaMikdash?

Exegetical Approaches

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Defect in David

"דָּם לָרֹב שָׁפַכְתָּ" – Most of these sources point to this verse as evidence that the true reason that David could not build the Beit HaMikdash related to his spilling of blood.  They differ regarding which blood is being spoken about and why it was problematic:
  • Death of the deserving – Rambam claims that even though David was merciful to his fellow Israelites and only spilled the blood of non Jews and heretics, this nonetheless betrays his "cruel" nature.1
  • Spilling of innocent blood – Radak brings three possibilities regarding which innocent blood David might have been held accountable for: the death of Uriah,2 the death of  the priests in Nov,3 or the deaths of righteous non-Jews whom he killed in battle.4 Prof. KiI adds that it might also refer to the many deaths that occurred during the civil war between David and Ishboshet.
  • Blood of Israelite soldiers – Hoil Moshe points to David's general desire to embark on wars of conquest.5  David's willingness to endanger lives when not necessary for purposes of defense was problematic.6
"מִפְּנֵי הַמִּלְחָמָה"
Why doesn't Natan give a reason?
Purpose of the Beit HaMikdash
Hashem's promise to David

Lack of Stability and Peace

Too Much Good