Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Korach/0/en
Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Korach
Prophetic and Divine Fallibility?
In the middle of Korach's rebellion, Hashem tells Moshe to separate from the "עדה", so He can destroy them. Moshe argues, "if one man sinned, will you destroy the entire "עדה"? Hashem replies by telling Moshe to separate the "עדה" from the dwelling of Korach, Datan and Aviram. Due to the ambiguity inherent in identifying who comprised the "עדה" referred to in each of the above statements, this short dialogue raises a host of questions:
- Collective punishment – Was Hashem really threatening to impose collective punishment on the entire nation for the crimes of a minority? When is collective punishment legitimate?
- Prophetic fallibility –Is it possible that Moshe misunderstood Hashem's intent, and when Hashem initially used the word "עדה", he was referring not to the entire nation, but only to Korach's followers? Can a prophet make a mistake and misunderstand Divine communication?
- Divine immutability –Did Hashem change course after Moshe's intercession? Does that suggest that Hashem's initial thoughts were wrong? If God is immutable, how can He change His mind?
- Debate these issues at your Shabbat table using Dialogue with the Divine During Korach's Rebellion as a guide.
Rebelling Factions
Ibn Ezra suggests that the rebels were composed of different factions, united in their disappointment over the selection of the Tribe of Levi as Priests and Levites. He asserts that one group, Korach's 250 men, were the firstborns who were upset about losing their priestly status, and another were the Levites themselves who were upset about having to serve Aharon.
- Do you think that these two groups could successfully have worked together? Is there any evidence in the text that a large percentage of the rebels were firstborns, or that the rebellion was composed of various groups, each with a different interest?
- Ibn Ezra assumes that the Levites were selected right before our story, which he dates to the beginning of the second year. What evidence in the text is there for this assertion? See Selection of the Priests and Levites.
- According to those who maintain that the tribe of Levi was chosen much prior to our story, what might have prompted the rebellion? What might the complaint of Datan and Aviram suggest?
Korach in Art
Compare various depictions of Datan and Aviram's punishment as an entree into a discussion of the following questions:
- What was the nature of the miracle of the earth opening up? Was this a full fledged earthquake, a sinkhole, or an unknown phenomenon?
- Were only Datan and Aviram and their families swallowed by the earth or was Korach killed along with them?1 Which verses would support each position?
- What was the role of the larger nation in the rebellion? Were they simply innocent bystanders or did they either passively or actively support Korach?
- For artwork and analysis, see Korach's Fate in Art.