Ten Tribes Vs. One Tribe/2

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Ten Tribes Vs. One Tribe

Exegetical Approaches

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Achiyah had included the tribe of Binyamin with Yehuda.

Ten and One – These sources assumes that the one tribe refers to Yehuda and Binyamin together, and the ten tribes to everyone else except for Levi which had no inheritance and, as such, was never counted as one of the twelve.1
Why isn't Binyamin mentioned? These sources explain that since Binyamin was both less important and less numerous than the tribe of Yehuda, it is not mentioned on its own but only included as part of the more glorified Yehuda.  In addition, sine Yerushalayim fell within the borders of both tribes, they were considered as one.
Evidence that Binyamin was loyal to the Davidic line – The fact that Rechovam gathers "כׇּל בֵּית יְהוּדָה וְאֶת שֵׁבֶט בִּנְיָמִן" to quell Yerovam's rebellion supports the idea that both tribes together had been left under the control of the Davidic dynasty.  During the reign of Asa, as well, Binyamin is explicitly mentioned as being grouped with Yehuda (Divrei HaYamim II 15:1-10).
Status of Yerushalayim and Binyamin's siding with Yehuda – According to this approach, Yerushalayim was always meant to under the jurisdiction of the Davidic dynasty.  Since Yerushalayim was within the territory of Binyamin, it too had, of necessity, to be under the control of David's line.
"לְמַעַן עַבְדִּי דָוִד וּלְמַעַן יְרוּשָׁלַ‍ִם הָעִיר אֲשֶׁר בָּחַרְתִּי" – These sources could suggest that Hashem kept Yehuda "לְמַעַן עַבְדִּי דָוִד" and Binyamin "לְמַעַן יְרוּשָׁלַ‍ִם".
Why would Binyamin side with Yehuda? From a political perspective, it does not make sense that Binyamin would have wanted to join Yehuda, its rival from the reign of Shaul. The tribe would appear to have been prime candidates to join a rebellion rather than to back Rechovam! 
  • Hoil Moshe suggests that they only sided with Rechovam out of fear. 
  • Alternatively, it is possible that their allegiance demonstrates that David's attempts at reconciliation with the tribe had in fact succeeded.2
Shimon? According to this position, Shimon sided with Yerovam, despite their being physically located in the south, within the territories of Yehuda.3 


Achiyah had not intended that Binyamin was to join Yehuda.  The missing twelfth tribe was Shimon, which had been subsumed under its neighbor already in the period of the Conquest.