Overview – Sefer Bereshit/0

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Overview – Sefer Bereshit

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Structure of the Book

Sefer Bereshit divides into two main sections, Chapters 1-11 which speak of universal history: the creation, destruction and recreation of the world at large, and Chapters 12-50 which focus on the selection of the individuals and family who were to father Hashem's chosen nation.  For full discussion of the book's structure, see Structure – Sefer Bereshit

Purpose of the Book

In contrast to the rest of Torah which contains both narrative and legal material, and focuses much of its attention on Israel's relationship with Hashem, Sefer Bereshit is almost exclusively narrative in nature, discussing events on both the universal level and on the smaller family plane, but not on the national level. Why are these events important to share? Could not the Torah have begun with the description of the formation of the nation and its accompanying legal codes in Sefer Shemot?

Themes gh

Chronological Issues