Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Vayechi/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Vayechi

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Blessing or Prophecy?

On his deathbed, Yaakov tells his children that he is about to tell them "אֵת אֲשֶׁר יִקְרָא אֶתְכֶם בְּאַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים".  Was Yaakov simply sharing with his offspring his hopes and aspirations for their future, or were his words prophetic in nature?  Does the term "אַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים" refer to events which are to transpire in his sons' own lives, that which will affect their descendants upon their return to the Land of Israel, or what will happen in Messianic times? Did he speak to his children as individuals, or as leaders of future tribes?

  • How do the different possibilities affect your reading of each individual blessing and of the unit as a whole?  For two examples, see Yehuda's Blessing – Eternal Kingship and Yaakov's Blessing of Yosef.
  • If you were to impart a Last Will and Testament to those dear to you, what would it include?  How would it compare to Yaakov's message?

Another Case of Favoritism?

Before blessing each of his children, Yaakov meets individually with Yosef, promising him that both his sons will take on tribal status and that he will get a double portion of the land.1  What is motivating Yaakov's action?

  • Is Yaakov once again simply showing favoritism to his beloved son?  Has he not learned the lesson that this might have negative repercussions?
  • Z. Weitman, in contrast, suggests that Yaakov was motivated not by love, but by concern for an assimilated son. He contends that Yosef and his family had acculturated in Egypt and the double portion was an attempt to keep him in the fold and reconnect him to the Land of Israel.  What evidence is there in the text that Yosef had assimilated?  How might Yaakov's words be addressing the issue?  Finally, is it problematic to suggest that Yosef was not "יוסף הצדיק"?

See Yaakov's Retrospective and Yosef's Double Portion for more.

Did Monarchy have to stem from Yehuda?