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Part of SpeechVerb
Possible Meanings
  1. Test
  2. Attempt
  3. Make accustomed
  4. Glorify
Related Wordsמַסָּה

Possible Meanings

1. Test

  • Biblical verses – Most cases
  • Additional data –

2. Attempt

  • Biblical verses – Devarim 4:34, Iyyov 4:2
  • Additional data – i.e. test one's self

3. Make accustomed

  • Biblical verses – Shemuel I 17:39
  • Additional data – i.e. having tested one's self in the past

4. Glorify, elevate

  • Biblical verses – Tehillim 4:7
  • Additional data – נס, נשא

Disputed Cases

Shemot 15:25

See Miracles and Mitzvot at Marah.

  • Test – R. Eliezer in Mekhilta, Targum Yerushalmi (Yonatan), R. Saadia, Rashi, Ibn Ezra
  • Glorify – R. Yehoshua in Mekhilta, Ralbag
  • Perform miracles – Abarbanel
  • Make accustomed – Rashbam, R. Avraham Maimonides, Biur

Shemot 20:17

  • Test – R. Saadia, Ramban
  • Glorify – Mekhilta, Rashi, Ralbag
  • Make accustomed – R. Avraham Maimonides, Ramban


Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Modern Hebrew