Biblical Parallels Index – Bereshit 48/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Bereshit 48

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Blessing Children At End of Life Blessing Children


  • Makbilot Bamikra points out that the narrative of Yaakov blessing Yosef's children in a weakened and visually impaired state, parallels the story of Yitzchak’s blessings to Yaakov and Esav before his death. In both cases, the younger son receives the bigger blessing, but while Yitzchak gives this blessing unwittingly, Yaakov does so with full knowledge.


  • In ויחי יעקב - ויחי יוסף, Prof. Yonatan Grossman suggests that the parallels indicate that despite the price paid for his deceit, Yaakov does not regret his tricking of his father to receive the blessings.