Literary Devices – Bemidbar 10/0

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Literary Devices – Bemidbar 10

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Literary Envelope

  • Bemidbar 1-10 is sandwiched by mention of the various tribal princes and their standards, marking these chapters as one coherent unit, with an overarching theme: the journey to and preparation for entry into Israel. 


  • See סדר ותוכן בספר במדבר, by R. Aviyah HaCohen, for analysis of the structure of the book of Bemidbar as a whole. He divides into book three sections a) Bemidbar 1-10: The camp structure and travel  b) Bemidbar 11-20: Complaints of the nation c) Bemidbar 21-34: Preparation for conquest and inheritance.
  • For further discussion of the use of literary envelopes (also called "inclusios") and analysis of other structural devices found in Tanakh, with many examples, see Structural Devices.
  • Watch Bemidbar: The Story of Two Generations, by Dr. Yael Ziegler, for discussion of an alternative structure of the book of Bemidbar. She divides the book into main units,   Bemidbar 1-19 which focuses on the  generation that left Egypt and chapters 20-end which focus on the generation that enetrerd th and. in dpeth discussion of this unit of the book

Parallels and Contrasts Structural Devices

Key Words

Character Titles