Biblical Parallels Index – Bemidbar 33/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Bemidbar 33

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Journeys in the Wilderness

The journeys listed in Bemidbar 33 were already mentioned earlier in Sefer Shemot and Sefer Bemidbar. What is the purpose of this extensive repetition?


  • See Makbilot BaMikra for links to each of the verses in which the journeys were originally discussed.


  • See RashiBemidbar 33:1About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki in the name of R. Moshe the Darshan that the goal of the repetition is to highlight Hashem's kindness, that despite the decree of wandering, the people had only 42 journeys, about half of which were in the first and fortieth years, unconnected to the decree.
  • See RambamMoreh Nevukhim 3:50About R. Moshe b. Maimon that the list is meant to highlight the miraculous nature of the wilderness era, that despite the many encampments in uncivilized areas, the people survived due to Hashem's intervention and miracles.
  • See TanchumaMasei 3About the Tanchuma that, now that the decree and danger were ending, Hashem wanted to remind the people of each of their previous sins en route.


  • Listen to Parshat Masei - Journeys, by R. Alex Israel, for an overview of several approaches to understanding the Torah’s purpose and message in repeating the list of journeys.