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Foreign Relations with Aram

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Aram is a continuous thorn in Israel's side throughout the reigns of Beit Achav and Beit Yehu.  At times

Biblical Sources

Taanakh speaks of the relations between Aram and Israel at the end of Melakhim I and through much of the first half of Melakhim II.  They are the main enemy throughout the reigns of the kings from the Houses of Achav and Yehu.  At times Aram has the upper hand, while at others Israel does.

  • Achav – Achav fights two sets of battles against Aram, described in Melakhim I 20 and 22.  In the first, Israel is victorious, though Achav, nonetheless, decides to spare the life of the enemy king, Ben-Hadad.  In the second, in contrast, Achav meets his death.  For a full discussion of these wars in light of ancient near eastern sources, see Achav, Aram, and the Battle of Qarqar.
  • Yehoram – Melakhim II 5-7 describe a series of intermittent battles between the two countries during the reign of Yehoram. Though Aram repeatedly sends troops into Israel1 and even besieges Shomron,2 time and again Israel is miraculously saved,3 and there is no indication that Aram succeeded in its attempted conquests, nor that it gained any territorial advantage.
  • Yehu and Yehoachaz – The picture shifts during the reigns of Yehu and Yehoachaz, after Chazael becomes king of Aram.  Chazael attacks throughout the borders of Israel, "מִן הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרַח הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ אֵת כׇּל אֶרֶץ הַגִּלְעָד" ().  During the tenure of Yehoachaz, the situation appears even more dire, "כִּי לֹא הִשְׁאִיר לִיהוֹאָחָז עָם כִּי אִם חֲמִשִּׁים פָּרָשִׁים וַעֲשָׂרָה רֶכֶב וַעֲשֶׂרֶת אֲלָפִים רַגְלִי". Israel is saved only due to Hashem's mercy, who sends them an unnamed "savior" (Melakhim II:13:5)
  • Yoash and Yerovam – This "salvation" extends into the rule of Yoash and Yeravam, who are finally able to defeat Aram. Yoash is victorious over Aram three times, and Yerovam expands Israel's borders, retrieving "Damascus and Chamat".