Abuse of Monarchical Power: David and Achav/0

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Abuse of Monarchical Power: David and Achav

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People in position of power often tend to abuse that power.  Biblical characters are no exception, and the stories of David's sin with Batsheva (Shemuel II 11 and 12) and Achav's acquisition of Navot's vineyard (Melakhim I 21) are two cases in point.  Despite the vastly contrasting reputations of the two kings, the two stories follow surprisingly similar plot lines. In each, a king, who lacks nothing, nonetheless desires a layperson's beloved property. With the aid of others, he orchestrates the owner's death so as to take the item for himself. In the end, he is rebuked by the prophet, but repentance serves to mitigate the punishment. Though the stories contain no significant linguistic parallels, a comparison of the two allows for a deeper understanding of both.

Content Parallels

  • The kings
  • The desired property –

Literary Allusions


  • Degree of similarity – 
  • Distinctive phrases – 

Points of Contrast
