Akeidat Yitzchak in Art/0/en

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Akeidat Yitzchak in Art

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It is not surprising that Akeidat Yitzchak, a story replete with religious significance, emotional turmoil, and dramatic appeal is a favorite subject among artists.  The three renderings shown here, the painting by Caravaggio,1 the mosaic from the Beit Alfa Synagogue2 and the work by of Paolo Veronese all depict the climax of the story, when Avraham's sacrifice is interrupted by the angel.  They differ greatly in their portrayals of both the setting of the event and all its main characters (Avraham, Yitzchak, the angel and ram).

Contrasting Images

Relationship to the Biblical Text

The artists' choices reflect certain ambiguities in the Biblical text and different possible interpretive stances: