Ancient Near Eastern Index – Parashat Bo/0

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Ancient Near Eastern Index – Parashat Bo

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<category>Egyptian Slavery

  • Dr. Nahum Sarna, in Exploring Exodus (New York, 1996): 21-25 for analysis of the nature of Egyptian slavery. Dr. Sarna points to several Egyptian texts which might shed light on the hardships experienced by agricultural workers and brick builders in ancient Egypt. for analysis of the nature of Egyptian slavery. He characterizes Egyptian servitude as “state slavery, the organized imposition of forced labor upon the male population for long and indefinite terms of service under degrading and brutal conditions” without compensation or civil rights, whose lot might have often been worse than that of household salves. [See <a href="Nature of the Bondage">Nature of the Bondage</a> for differing views of the nature of the Egyptian oppression among Biblical commentators.]

</category> <category name="Plagues & Egyptian Gods"> The Plagues and Egyptian Deities

Both Shemot 12:12 and Bemidbar 33:4 explicitly state that the Plague of the Firstborn executed a "judgment against the [Egyptian] gods". Both Midrashim and scholars have suggested that the other plagues as well might have targeted what were believed to be Egyptian deities.
