Ancient Near Eastern Index – Parashat Tetzaveh

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Knowledge of the history, law, cultic practices and realia of the Ancient Near East can often shed much light on Tanakh. This index contains a list of links to articles which touch on the connections between Tanakh and ancient cultures.

"מַעֲשֵׂה חֹשֵׁב"

  • See Text and Textile in Exodus: Toward A Clearer Understanding of Ma’aseh Choshev, by Judith Lapkin Craig, for discussion of the term "מַעֲשֵׂה חֹשֵׁב". She suggests that the common translation of "designer work" is too general, and that in light of evidence from the Ancient Near East, it seems to instead refer to a very specific technique, one associated with the art of sash-making.

High Priestly Attire
