Appointing Moshe's Assistants/3

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Appointing Moshe's Assistants in
Shemot 18, Bemidbar 11, and Devarim 1

Points of Dispute

Below are some of the central points of dispute (נקודות המחלוקת) between the various exegetes:

    • All of Chapter 18 (with the possible exception of Yitro's departure) occurred during the second month of the first year – RambanShemot 18:1Devarim 1:9Devarim 1:18Analysis – Assistants<a href="Chronology – Shemot 18/2#YitroDepartedLater">Analysis – Chronology</a>, Ibn KaspiShemot 18:1Devarim 1:9Analysis – Assistants<a href="Chronology – Shemot 18/2#In2ndMonth">Analysis – Chronology</a>.
    • Yitro arrived and also gave his advice (18:1-23) during the second month of the first year, but Moshe appointed the judges (18:24-27) only in the second year – Akeidat Yitzchak 43, Abarbanel, Malbim.
    • All of Chapter 18 took place only in the second year after the Tabernacle was already built – Ibn Ezra.
  • To what does "בעת ההיא" (Devarim 1:9) refer?
    • A time period prior to the previous story – R. Yochanan in Devarim Rabbah 1:10, Ramban, Ibn Kaspi.
    • The same time as the previous story – R. Chiyya in Devarim Rabbah 1:10, Sifre Zuta, Ibn Ezra, Abarbanel, Malbim, Hoil Moshe.
    • Yes – Ibn Kaspi, Akeidat Yitzchak.
    • No – Abarbanel.
  • Did Moshe implement Yitro's advice as given?
    • He implemented to the letter – Ma'asei HaShem.
    • He made significant changes – Abarbanel.
  • Why doesn't Moshe give credit to Yitro in Devarim 1?
    • Devarim 1 recaps Bemidbar 11 and not Shemot 18 – R. Chiyya, Sifre Zuta
    • Moshe's implementation differed significantly from Yitro's advice – Abarbanel
    • In Devarim 1 Moshe is concerned only with the implementation, and not the genesis of the idea – Ma'asei HaShem, Ma'aseh Torah 5
    • Yitro's modesty or Moshe's embarrassment over Zipporah – Ramban
    • Purely judicial –
    • Judicial and administrative – Abarbanel, Malbim.
    • Always –
    • Only on that day – R. Meidan.