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< Avraham
Version as of 07:46, 19 October 2018 by Neima (talk | contribs)

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Avraham – Overview

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Avraham's life is a

Religious Identity

Journey to Belief

Though the Midrash38:13About Bereshit Rabbah shares stories of Avraham destroying his father's idols and being sentenced to death for his beliefs, we know nothing of his religious journey from Sefer Bereshit itself. Rambam and the Kuzari offer two possibilities, each in line with their own philosophical beliefs about attainment of faith:


Was Avraham's monotheism unique? This question depends on how one understands the phrase "וּמַלְכִּי צֶדֶק מֶלֶךְ שָׁלֵם... כֹהֵן לְאֵל עֶלְיוֹן":

  • Not Unique – Malkitzedek, and perhaps his followers, were monotheistic.
    • The Midrash, and many sources in its wake, identify Malkitzedek with Shem, whose monotheism predated that of Avraham. 
    • Radak, instead, allows for the possibility that Malkitzedek was an outsider, unrelated to Avraham in any way, who served only one God. Moreover, given that he was a king, it is possible that the entire city of Shalem was similarly monotheistic.
  • Unique – Shadal, Netziv, and Hoil Moshe, in contrast maintain that being a "כֹהֵן לְאֵל עֶלְיוֹן" simply means serving the highest god in a pantheon of many gods, or that "Elyon" was the name of a Canaanite god.2


Did Avraham attempt to convert others to belief in Hashem? Though Sefer Bereshit never explicitly presents Avraham as actively doing so, commentators point to several verses which might bear on the question:

Avraham & Mitzvot

Did Avraham keep all the mitzvot? The issue has been debated throughout the centuries. On one hand, Avraham lived centuries before the Torah was given and many of its laws would be meaningless to him, suggesting that he did not keep them. On the other hand, it seems paradoxical to conceive of the founder of a religion not observing even its most basic commandments. This leads to a variety of approaches to the question: [For a full discussion of the issue, see Avot and Mitzvot – Was Avraham the First Jew.]

How distinct was Avraham's mode of worship from those around him?  This question is an outgrowth of the above. If Avraham was unaware of later commandments, is it possible that, in worshiping hashem, he borrowed from the practices of the pagans round him?

  • Akeidat Yitzchak – See Shadal who suggests that Avraham, like the rest of the world in his era, originally viewed child sacrifice as the highest form of devotion to God. It was only through the story of the Akeidah itself that Hashem taught both him and the monotheistic world at large that the practice was, in fact, immoral and repugnant. For elaboration, see Purpose of Akeidat Yitzchak.
  • וַיִּטַּע אֶשֶׁל –

Tests of Faith

Unique Traits

Belief in Hashem

"צְדָקָה וּמִשְׁפָּט" Avraham is


Possible Sins

Avraham in Egypt

Commentators debate whether Avraham was justified in leaving the land promised to him by Hashem, or if he should have trusted that Hashem would care for him during the famine. They further question: was it right to descend to Egypt and suggest that Sarah pose as his sister, if doing so would endanger her honor?


Afflicting Hagar

Banishment of Yishmael

"במה אדע כי אירשנה"

Covenant with Philistines

Family Life


Relationship to Yishmael

Comparison to Other Figures

In the Arts