Avraham and Iyyov/0

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Avraham and Iyyov

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Content Parallels

The stories of Avraham and Iyyov contain a number of similarities:

  • Heavenly Test – Both Avraham and Iyyov are tested by Heaven (Bereshit 22 and Iyyov 1-2). Both tests include the death of children (Avraham is commanded to kill his son, Satan kills Iyyov's children). Both figures are shown to be truly God-fearing (Avraham is told he is "יְרֵא אֱלֹהִים", and Iyyov is tested in order to prove he is not). Both also feature an angelic figure (Avraham is stopped from killing his son by an angel, who also tells him he passed his test, while Iyyov's test was instigated by Satan).1
  • Prayer for Others – Both Avraham and Iyyov pray for others, resulting in their recovery from the wrath of God (Bereshit 20 and Iyyov 42). In both cases, a negative interaction with Avraham or Iyyov (Avimelekh taking Avraham's wife, and Iyyov's friends conversation with him) results in God contacting them directly and threatening them (Avimelekh is told in a dream he will die, and Iyyov's friends are just told Hashem is angry with them). God tells them that the only way to appease him is to ask Avraham or Iyyov to pray for them. Avraham and Iyyov then indeed pray for them, which is followed by Hashem blessing them with children.

Literary Allusions

In addition to these similar episodes, there are a number of literary allusions between Avraham and Iyyov:

  • עוּץ –
  • תָמִים and יְרֵא אֱלֹהִים –
  • אַל תִּשְׁלַח יָדְךָ –
  • עָפָר וָאֵפֶר –


  • Degree of similarity – 
  • Distinctive phrases – 

Points of Contrast
