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<li>According to , in order to ensure that Yishmael did not act as a negative influence on Yiitzchak, he needed to be expelled from the house.&#160; R. Avraham b. HaRambam adds that Sarah feared that she and Avraham might die while Yitzchak was still young, leaving him to grow up with Yishmael.</li>
<li>Spiritual protection – According to , in order to ensure that Yishmael did not act as a negative influence on Yiitzchak, he needed to be expelled from the house.&#160; R. Avraham b. HaRambam adds that Sarah feared that she and Avraham might die while Yitzchak was still young, leaving him to grow up with Yishmael, with no counter influence.</li>
<li>R. Levi, Rashi, and Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer all maintain that Yishmael had attempted to kill Yitzchak.&#160; As such, Yishmael's banishment was necessary to physically protect Yitzchak.</li>
<li>Physical protection – R. Levi, Rashi, and Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer all maintain that Yishmael had attempted to kill Yitzchak.&#160; As such, Yishmael's banishment was necessary to physically protect Yitzchak.</li>
<li>Lighter punishment – Ramban</li>
<point><b>"Why is Avraham "upset about his son"?</b></point>
<point><b>"Why is Avraham "upset about his son"?</b></point>

Version as of 22:05, 22 October 2015

Banishment of Hagar and Yishmael

Exegetical Approaches

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Yishmael's Negative Behavior

Sarah's actions were motivated by the problematic behavior of Yishmael, and the desire to protect Yitzchak from his repugnant deeds and influence.

"מְצַחֵק" – Though all these sources assume that Yishmael's behavior was reprehensible,they disagree regarding what action is referred to by the term "מְצַחֵק":
  • Cardinal sins – According to most of these commentators, the word refers either to idolatry,1 murder,2 or illicit relations,3 the three cardinal sins in Judaism.
  • Sin of speech – Ramban asserts that Yishmael was mocking Yitzchak and the party, while Ibn Kaspi posits that he was poking fun at Sarah.  In contrast, R. Avraham b. HaRambam maintains that Yishmael was more generally fooling around and speaking with a foul mouth.
  • Gambling – Ibn Kaspi also raises the possibility that Yishmael was gambling (משחק בקוביא)‎.
  • Spiritual protection – According to , in order to ensure that Yishmael did not act as a negative influence on Yiitzchak, he needed to be expelled from the house.  R. Avraham b. HaRambam adds that Sarah feared that she and Avraham might die while Yitzchak was still young, leaving him to grow up with Yishmael, with no counter influence.
  • Physical protection – R. Levi, Rashi, and Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer all maintain that Yishmael had attempted to kill Yitzchak.  As such, Yishmael's banishment was necessary to physically protect Yitzchak.
  • Lighter punishment – Ramban
"Why is Avraham "upset about his son"?
Why is Hagar also expelled?
"לֶחֶם וְחֵמַת מַיִם" – were there sufficient provisions?
Why does Hashem save Yishmael?
Hagar's status
When does the story take place?

Ensuring Yitzchak's Inheritance
