Biblical Parallels Index – Bemidbar 12/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Bemidbar 12

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Miriam's Sin and Punishment Miryam’s actions are referred to later in the Torah, in Devarim 24:8-9. The verses warns to be careful about the plague of tzara'at and then draws a connection to the sin of Miryam.


  • See Remembering Miriam, by R. Jonathan Mishkin, for discussion of why Devarim commands remembering Miriam’s sin when the Torah does not similarly instruct to remember other, seemingly more egregious sins.  R. Mishkin draws on Bemidbar 12’s theme of the uniqueness of Moshe’s prophecy to answer this question.
  • Listen to צרעת מרים - בין חוק לסיפור במקרא, by R. Dr. Adiel Cohen, for analysis of the two verses in Devarim in light of the story in Bemidbar, taking into account other stories of leprosy in Tanakh (including Naaman in Melakhim Bet Ch. 5 and Uziyahu in Divrei Hayamim Bet Ch. 26).