Biblical Parallels Index – Bemidbar 16-17/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Bemidbar 16-17

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This index is meant to help the reader explore Biblical parallels, be they two accounts of the same event, stories with similar motifs and themes, or units of text which are linguistically similar and perhaps alluding one to the other. The page includes links to tools that aid in comparison, primary sources that touch upon the parallels, and summaries of and links to articles which analyze them in depth.

Nadav, Avihu, Korach, and Uziyahu The 250 followers of Korach, Nadav and Avihu (Vayikra 10), and King Uziyahu (Divrei HaYamim II 26) are all punished in connection to the bringing of unauthorized incense.


  • The Tanakh Lab demonstrates that the chapter most linguistically similar to the story of the death of Nadav and Avihu is Bemidbar 16.1 Compare the two here.

Primary Sources

  • See Ramban on Bemidbar 16:5, who suggests that Moshe chose the test of incense because he was modeling it on the punishment of Nadav and Avihu.
  • See Midrash Aggadah (Buber) which draws a connection between the punishment of the 250 princes and of Uziyahu.