Biblical Parallels Index – Bereshit 45/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Bereshit 45

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Jews in Foreign Courts: Yosef, Daniel, and Esther

Articles / Lectures

  • See Yosef, Esther, and Daniel for a three-way exploration of parallels and contrasts.The article questions: Should the goal of Jewish life in the Diaspora be survival, as exemplified by Yosef and celebrated by Esther? Or should Jews be more ambitious, and attempt to demonstrate the power and beauty of the Jewish religion to others, as practiced by Daniel?
  • See Yosef and Megillat Esther for an in-depth of analysis of the parallels between the stories of Yosef and Esther. The article notes that though the hand of God is less blatant in exile, it still guides events. This is explicit in the Yosef narratives and the allusions to the story might serve to teach the reader that this is true in the story of Esther as well.
  • See Yosef and Daniel for an in-depth analysis of the parallels between the stories of Yosef and Daniel and the difference in emphasis in each on public observance of Judaism in exile.
  • See Esther and Joseph by Professor Yonatan Grossman and R. Dr. Yehoshua Reiss for further exploration of the parallels between the narratives of Yosef and Esther in foreign courts. 
  • See the lecture, Jews in Foreign Palaces: Yosef, Daniel and Esther, by R. Mordechai Torczyner for analysis of the three characters' different approaches to Jewish identity in exile. 


The theme of weeping repeats throughout the Yosef narratives. Tracing who, when, and why someone cries, may give insight into the various characters in the narrative.


  • Concordance – The concordance reveals that of 16 occurrences of the root "בכה" in Sefer Bereshit, a full 10 appear in the Yosef narratives.


  • See Yosef's Tears, based on a lecture by R. Aharon Lichtenstein, which traces the various instances of Yosef's weeping. R. Lichtenstein explores when it is that Yosef cries and when he shows restraint, noting that the two reflect Yosef's struggle between his inner and outer self, between Yosef the harsh Egyptian ruler, symbol of power, and Yosef the compassionate Hebrew, yearning  to fix a broken family.

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