Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 14/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 14

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Hardened Hearts

Paroh is the first of three people or groups of people of whom Hashem says He will harden their hearts. The other two are Sichon (Devarim 2:30) and the Canaanites (Yehoshua 11:20). Comparing the various narratives might help one understand both what is meant by the expression and how to deal with the theological problem of Hashem's apparent removal of free will in these stories.


  • See Makbilot Bamikra for a list and links to of all the verses which speak of Hashem hardening someone's heart.


  • See Hardened Hearts for analysis of the wide range of different commentators’ approaches to the hardening of human beings’ hearts in Tanakh. Some propose that, at times, Hashem removes an individual’s free choice, while others interpret the Biblical text to imply that free choice is never lost.
  • See And I Will Harden The Heart of Pharaoh, by R. Yaakov Medan, for a unified interpretation of the hardening of the hearts of Pharaoh, Sichon, and Canaan.  He suggests that in all three cases the characters never fully lost their free will.

Akeidat Yitzchak and the Splitting of the Sea


  • Bereshit Rabbah 55:8 points out parallels between the stories of the Akeidah and of the Splitting of the Sea. There are a number of linguistic and thematic parallels between the two stories


  • See עקידת יצחק וקריעת ים סוף, by R. Eliyahu Shai, for analysis of the commonalities between these two narratives. R. Shai suggests that Avraham’s actions at the Akeidah pave the way, in a metaphysical sense, for his descendants’ experience of Hashem’s revelation at the Yam Suf.

Fire and Cloud

Shemot 13 contains the first of the Torah’s many references to the fire and cloud that led the Israelites in the desert.  



  • See R. Alex Israel’s Beshalach: Fire and Cloud for analysis of the dual purposes of the fire and cloud: to protect and lead the Israelites and to represent God’s presence. R. Israel shares a suggestion of R. Lichtenstein that the fire represents rationality and order, while the cloud represents mystery and transcendence. Taken together, they symbolize the ways that man seeks to understand God.
  • See בעמוד אש וענן, by R. Tamir Granot, for analysis of the many places in the Torah where God’s revelation takes place through the medium of cloud and fire. R. Granot demonstrates that in all of these places, the cloud and fire are part of the same pillar, with the cloud surrounding the fire. This is true of the manifestation of God when He led the Israelites out of Egypt as well as the revelations at Mount Sinai and in the Tabernacle.