Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 19/0

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Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 19

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Wings of Eagles The Torah uses the image of Hashem carrying Israel on eagles’ wings in both Shemot 19 and Devarim 32. Does the image convey the same message in both cases? What is the metaphor meant to invoke? How does each verse bear on the other?


  • Concordance – A concordance search reveals that the word נשר appears just a handful of times in Torah, but is used twice as a metaphor for Hashem's interactions with the nation.  In both Shemot 19:4 and Devarim 32:11, the nation is depicted as being carried on eagle's wings. Devarim 32, though, elaborates on the metaphor also speaking of the eagle hovering over its nest.

Primary Sources

  • Ibn Ezra equates the two metaphors and on Devarim 32:11 explains that the imagery reflects the majesty and speed with which they left Egypt.
