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<li>See&#160;<a href="Moshe and Yehoshua" data-aht="page">Moshe and Yehoshua</a> for an exploration of the parallels between the prophecy and leadership of these two leaders, and the meaning of these connections.&#160;&#160;</li>
<li>See&#160;<a href="Moshe and Yehoshua" data-aht="page">Moshe and Yehoshua</a> for an exploration of the parallels between the prophecy and leadership of these two leaders.&#160; In addition to the many linguistic parallels between the stories, there are also similarities in the nature of Moshe and Yehoshua's&#160; leadership and the events and tasks they encounter. There are also some contrasts; for example, Yehoshua does not face opposition and rebellion from the people, whereas Moshe does.&#160; The connections serve to demonstrate Yehoshua’s fitness for the difficult task of filling Moshe’s shoes as leader.&#160;&#160;</li>

Version as of 11:52, 1 October 2023

Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 3

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Moshe and Yehoshua

There are many parallels between the stories of Moshe and Yehoshua, as many of Yehoshua's deeds reflect those of his teacher.  One such parallel emerges from comparing our chapter to Yehoshua 5. In each, Hashem reveals Himself to the leader, telling them to remove their shoes.


  • Tanakh Lab1 demonstrates that one of the chapters most linguistically similar to Shemot 3 is indeed Yehoshua 5.   Compare the two chapters here.
  • See the concordance2 and Makbilot Bamikra that both the concept of removing shoes on holy ground and the exact language of "שַׁל נְעָלֶיךָ מֵעַל רַגְלֶיךָ כִּי הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר אַתָּה עוֹמֵד עָלָיו... קֹדֶשׁ הוּא" appear in only these two stories, strengthening the parallel.

Primary Sources

  • Se Bavli Bava Batra which compares Moshe and Yehoshua, likening Moshe to the sun and Yehoshua to the moon.


  • See Moshe and Yehoshua for an exploration of the parallels between the prophecy and leadership of these two leaders.  In addition to the many linguistic parallels between the stories, there are also similarities in the nature of Moshe and Yehoshua's  leadership and the events and tasks they encounter. There are also some contrasts; for example, Yehoshua does not face opposition and rebellion from the people, whereas Moshe does.  The connections serve to demonstrate Yehoshua’s fitness for the difficult task of filling Moshe’s shoes as leader.  

Initiation Prophecies

It is fruitful to compare and contrast Moshe’s initial prophecy (נבואת הקדשה) with that of others, such as Gidon (Shofetim Chapter 6), Shemuel (Shemuel I Chapter 3), Yeshayahu (Yeshayahu Chapter 6), Yirmeyahu (Yirmeyahu Chapter 1), and Yechezkel (Yechezkel Chapter 1), in order to note the similarities and differences that reflect the unique personality and mission of each prophet.
