Biblical Parallels Index – Vayikra 23

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The holidays are discussed together in several places in Torah (in Parashot Mishpatim / Ki Tisa, Emor, Pinechas and Re'eh), each time with a different emphasis. Some relate the holiday to the agricultural (solar) year while others mention only lunar dates. Some deal with just the three pilgrimage holidays; others add also the holidays of Tishrei. Certain units highlight the unique laws of each holiday; others speak of the designated sacrifices. Comparing and contrasting the various units helps one understand the full nature of each holiday, but also makes one question why each unit has a different focus.


  • Use Makbilot BaMikra to find links to all the passages which speak of the various holidays (both as a group, and individually).
  • Use the Tanakh Lab to compare any of the units to each other. For example, compare Vayikra 23 and Bemidbar 28 here.


  • See The Dual Nature of the Chagim, by R. Menachem Leibtag, for exploration of the different aspects of the holidays emphasized in different sections of the Torah, and how these various strands form the complete picture of the messages and nature of each holiday.  The holidays each celebrate an  agricultural milestone and commemorate a historical event, highlighting how "not only is Hashem the Force behind nature, but He also guides the history of nation."