Tanakh will often prefer thematic ordering over strict chronology, juxtaposing related material even if this means not adhering to a historical timeline. This is perhaps most evident when components of two independent stories overlap in time. Tanakh will focus on each story individually rather than constantly switching back and forth between the two. As such, the same overall time period might be discussed from different vantage points, with material grouped by varying protagonists, perspectives, literary genre or other factors.
Tanakh will often focus on one individual protagonist at a time, even if this means compromising on chronological order.
Births of Yaakov's Children – A simple reading of
Bereshit 29-
30 might imply that Yaakov's twelve children were born consecutively. Yet as this would seem to leave just a little over 6 years for the births of all 12 children,
27 several commentators suggest that some of the births must have overlapped.
28 Tanakh, though, preferred to separate the stories of each mother, listing each of their births together and only then moving on to the next mother. See opinions in
The Births and Relative Ages of Yaakov's Children for elaboration and other approaches.
Preparation for revelation (Shemot 19 and 24) – According to
Rashi, the story of the covenant and ceremony described in
Shemot 24 took place during the three days of preparations discussed in
Shemot 19. It is possible that, despite this, the stories are distinguished because they have distinct foci; while Shemot 19 highlights the role of the nation and laymen, Shemot 24 focuses on the elders.
Bilam and Israel – See
Why Was Hashem Angry at Bilam for those who suggest that the interactions between Bilam and Balak in Bemidbar 22-24 take place at the same time as the story of the Sin of Baal Peor in Bemidbar 25. Here, too, the same time period is discussed from two vantage points, one focusing on what was occurring among Israel's enemies and the other on what was happening in the Israelite camp itself.
Yehoshua's Spies – As there would not seem to be enough time for the story of the sending of Yehoshua's spies and their escape to take place between Yehoshua 1 and 3, some have suggested that it overlaps with the events of Chapter 1.
31 Tanakh , though, opted for thematic order, first telling of all of Yehoshua's interactions with the nation and then focusing on the two spies.
The Shofetim – The book of Shofetim presents the tenures of each judge as being consecutive, yet, due to the dating given in
Shofetim 11:26, there is reason to suggest that they actually overlapped
32 and that parts of the book are achronological.
33 Here, too, Tanakh prefers thematic order, opting to tell the story of each judge individually.
Shaul and David – Shemuel I 30 and 31 appear to occur simultaneously. David returns to Ziklag and fights the Amalekites at the same time that Shaul and the Israelite army are being defeated by the Philistines on the Mountains of Gilboa.
34 As Tanakh cannot describe both events at once, and prefers not to interweave the two events line by line, it focuses on one protagonist at a time.
Reigns of the Judean and Israelite kings – The book of Melakhim alternates between the reigns of the kings of Yehuda and Yisrael, focusing on only one kingdom at a time, even though this means that certain elements of each king's reign are told out of order.
When a hero's interactions on the political / national level overlap with what is going on in his personal life, Tanakh will often separate the two strands of the story rather constantly switching back and forth to maintain chronological order. Thus, the same time period is told from two different perspectives in the textual equivalent of a split screen.
Banishment of Yishmael –
R. Saadia Gaon, R"Y Kara and Rashbam all imply that the story of the covenant with Avimelekh took place after Yitzchak's birth but before or in the middle of the story of Yishmael's banishment.
35 Tanakh might have relayed the events achronologically as it preferred to group the episodes that touch on Avraham's personal family life separately from those which relate to his interactions with outsiders.
36 Yitzchak Stories – Bereshit 25 tells of Yitzchak's marriage, the birth of Yaakov and Esav, and their upbringing. These events likely overlapped with those of Bereshit 26, with the first half of Bereshit 26 (the wife-sister story) occurring before the birth
37 and the second half (the covenant) taking place later on. Rather than interweaving the various elements of each story as a strict chronology would dictate, Torah separates the personal and political strands of the Yitzchak narrative.
Yosef in Egypt – After narrating the story of Yosef's interactions with his brothers in Bereshit 42-46, Chapter 47 speaks of how the Egyptians themselves fared throughout the famine. If
Bereshit 47:18's mention of the "שָּׁנָה הַשֵּׁנִית" refers to the second year of the famine
38 (rather than two years after the family's arrival in Egypt), then the events of the chapter overlap with those of the previous ones. Here, too Torah portrays the same time period from two perspectives, the personal and political, first focusing on Yosef and his family and then on Yosef and the Egyptians.
Shaul meeting David – See
Chronology of Shemuel I 16 – 17 for an approach which suggests that the search for a musician described in
Shemuel I 16 took place during the war with the Philistines described in Chapter 17.
39 Tanakh, though, tells of each event alone, with Chapter 16 focusing on events relating to the personal life of Shaul, and Chapter 17 focuses on those that relate to Israel at large.
David and Batsheva – The story of David's sin with Batsheva and its aftermath spans Shemuel II 11-12, and takes place over at least two years. This likely overlapped with the end of the war against Ammon described in 12:26-31, yet the two events are told as independent stories with Tanakh focusing on the personal and national spheres separately.
When an incident has both a universal and individual aspect to it, Tanakh will focus on one at a time.
Two Stories of Creation – The achronology found in the two accounts of Creation can be explained by positing that Tanakh is telling the same event from two perspectives, starting with the universal and then narrowing in to focus on the creation of Adam. For further discussion, see
Two Accounts of Creation.
Torah tends to separate its discussion of legal and narrative material. Thus, even if a unit of laws was relayed over a period of time and other events occurred simultaneously, Torah will distinguish between the two.
Yitro'a arrival –
Rashbam posits that all of Chapter 18 (Yitro's arrival, advice and its implementation) occurred after receiving the Decalogue but before the construction of the Tabernacle. It is placed earlier in order not to break up the continuity of the legal sections with an unrelated narrative.
Revelation and – R. Yehoshua in
Shir HaShirim Rabbah suggests that
Shemot 20:14-16, which describes the people's request that Moshe act as an intermediary rather than Hashem speaking to them directly, actually happened in the midst of Hashem's relaying of the Decalogue (after the second commandment) and not as afterward where it is written.
Chizkuni explains that it is recorded out of order so as not to interrupt the flow of the story and to keep the Decalogue in one continuous list. For further discussion and the implications of this reading, see
The Decalogue: Direct From Hashem or Via Moshe.
"הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם" – Chizkuni claims that the command of "הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם" in Shemot 12 was given before the warning about the Plague of First Borns in Shemot 11,
40 but was recorded only afterwards since Torah wanted to group the narrative of the plagues together and the laws relating to the month of Nissan together.
At times, closely related events, even if they did not take place one after the other, might be grouped together. This is especially true when the evnts come together as a list.
David's Offensive Wars
Feats of David's Warriors