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(Original Author: Rabbi Hillel Novetsky)
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<page type="Summary">
<h1>Midrash – Gentiles</h1>
<p>See <aht page="Yitro – Religious Identity">Yitro's Religious Identity</aht> and <aht page="Encounters with Foreign Leaders">Yitro and Encounters with Foreign Leaders</aht>.</p>
<p>Gentiles who recognize Hashem – Malkizedek, Yitro, Rachav, Rut, Hiram, Queen of Sheba, Na'aman.</p>
<p>Intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles – Avraham, Jacob's sons – Shimon, Yehuda, Yosef, Moshe, Mered (Bityah), Shimshon, David, Shelomo.</p>
<p>Midrash employs conversion or claims Jewish identity to explain both of these phenomena:</p>
<p>Paroh's daughter (Bityah – see Divrei HaYamim I 4:18 and Bavli Sotah 12b), Rachav (Sifrei Bemidbar 78, Bavli Zevachim 116b), Rut (Sifrei Bemidbar 78, Bavli Yevamot 47b, Rut Rabbah 2:22), and Queen of Sheba (Shemot Rabbah 27:4). Also see the image presented in Yerushalmi Berakhot 2:8 of Hashem bringing the righteous of the world to Judaism.</p>
<p>Malkizedek (Bereshit Rabbah 56:10), Tamar (Bereshit Rabbah 85:10), and the midwives of Egypt (Bavli Sotah 11b).</p>

Version as of 08:08, 6 March 2014

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