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<li><b>Verse by verse / Topical</b> – Ibn Ezra's commentary is generally a local, verse by verse commentary, marked by brevity and an emphasis on grammar and linguistics. However, there are many exceptions where Ibn Ezra includes lengthy discussions of philosophical and other issues<fn>The essays are occasionally introduced with the words "Avraham the Author says", or "the Words of Avraham".</fn> including long&#160;excursus on God's name,<fn>See Ibn Ezra on Ex. 3:15 and 33:21.</fn> the Priestly Garments, Ten Commandments,<fn>See the second Commentary to Shemot 20:1.</fn> the Golden Calf and Aharon's role in the sin,<fn>See his commentaries to Shemot 32:1.</fn> and Moses' request to see the face of God.<fn>See his First Commentary on Shemot 33:18 and his Second Commentary to Shemot 33:21.</fn></li>
<li><b>Verse by verse / Topical</b> – Ibn Ezra's commentary is generally a local, verse by verse commentary, marked by brevity and an emphasis on grammar and linguistics. However, there are many exceptions where Ibn Ezra includes lengthy discussions of philosophical and other issues<fn>The essays are occasionally introduced with the words "Avraham the Author says", or "the Words of Avraham".</fn> including long&#160;excursus on God's name,<fn>See Ibn Ezra on Ex. 3:15 and 33:21.</fn> the Priestly Garments, Ten Commandments,<fn>See the second Commentary to Shemot 20:1.</fn> the Golden Calf and Aharon's role in the sin,<fn>See his commentaries to Shemot 32:1.</fn> and Moses' request to see the face of God.<fn>See his First Commentary on Shemot 33:18 and his Second Commentary to Shemot 33:21.</fn></li>
<li><b>Language&#160;</b>– Ibn Ezra, somewhat unique among commentators of his era who came from Islamic lands, wrote his commentary in Hebrew rather than Arabic.<fn>As discussed above, this was likely a result of his wanderings.&#160; In the Christian lands in which he traveled, people did not understand Arabic. The choice of language is also likely the reason that the commentary survived.</fn>&#160; Ibn Ezra's language is often cryptic and obscure,<fn>This might, at times, have been intentional, as when his content was controversial. It is also possible that Ibn Ezra was targeting the educated elite rather than the masses and / or writing for students or patrons with whom he learned personally and would therefore comprehend his truncated style.&#160; A third factor which might contribute to the difficulty is that Ibn Ezra was often forced to coin Hebrew terms for mathematical or astronomical concepts which were not in use at the time, and might not have been accepted by future generations..</fn> making it difficult to understand.<fn>This is likely what sparked so many supercommentaries.</fn></li>
<li><b>Language&#160;</b>– Ibn Ezra, somewhat unique among commentators of his era who came from Islamic lands, wrote his commentary in Hebrew rather than Arabic.<fn>As discussed above, this was likely a result of his wanderings.&#160; In the Christian lands in which he traveled, people did not understand Arabic. The choice of language is also likely the reason that the commentary survived.</fn>&#160; Ibn Ezra's language is often cryptic and obscure,<fn>This might, at times, have been intentional, as when his content was controversial. It is also possible that Ibn Ezra was targeting the educated elite rather than the masses and / or writing for students or patrons with whom he learned personally and would therefore comprehend his truncated style.&#160; A third factor which might contribute to the difficulty is that Ibn Ezra was often forced to coin Hebrew terms for mathematical or astronomical concepts which were not in use at the time, and might not have been accepted by future generations..</fn> making it difficult to understand.<fn>This is likely what sparked so many supercommentaries.</fn></li>
<li><b>Peshat and Derash</b> – Ibn Ezra distinguishes between the authority he grants the interpretations of the Sages in legal and narrative material, finding their words binding with regards to the former but not the latter.<fn>This distinction is laid out already in his introductory remarks to Torah, where he writes that he plans&#160; "לבאר כל כתוב כמשפטו, ודקדוקו ופשוטו / רק במצות ובחקים אסמוך על קדמונינו". He then elaborates, exclaiming that "heaven forbid" that he would ever explain against the Sages, "הרבים ונכבדים בחכמתם ומעשיהם", but notes that this is only true with regards to mitzvot. Elsewhere, "בכתוב שאין שם מצוה", he feels no compunction to follow his predecessors, "ומהשם לבדו אירא, ולא אשא פנים בתורה".<br/>See, similarly, his introduction to the First Cםmmentary: "ובעבור הדרש, דרך הפשט איננה סרה / כי שבעים פנים לתורה / רק בתורות ובמשפטים ובחוקים / מצאנו שני טעמים לפסוקים / והטעם האחד כנגד המעתיקים, שהיו כולם צדיקים / נשען על אמתם בלי ספק בידים חזקים".<br/>Ibn Ezra's distinction is rooted in his strong desire to explain the text according to its simple sense, using the rules of grammar and logic, on the one hand, and his need to uphold the Oral Law and opinions of the Sages in the face of Karaites who rejected these. Unlike Rashbam, he did not feel that he was at liberty to explain legal sections of Torah against the Midrash, for that would fuel the arguments of his opponents and lead many to question or reject the legal rulings of the Sages.</fn></li>
<li><b>Peshat and Derash</b> – Ibn Ezra distinguishes between the authority he grants the interpretations of the Sages in legal and narrative material, finding their words binding with regards to the former but not the latter.<fn>This distinction is laid out already in his introductory remarks to Torah, where he writes that he plans&#160; "לבאר כל כתוב כמשפטו, ודקדוקו ופשוטו / רק במצות ובחקים אסמוך על קדמונינו". He then elaborates, exclaiming that "heaven forbid" that he would ever explain against the Sages, "הרבים ונכבדים בחכמתם ומעשיהם", but notes that this is only true with regards to mitzvot. Elsewhere, "בכתוב שאין שם מצוה", he feels no compunction to follow his predecessors, "ומהשם לבדו אירא, ולא אשא פנים בתורה".<br/>See, similarly, his introduction to the First Cםmmentary: "ובעבור הדרש, דרך הפשט איננה סרה / כי שבעים פנים לתורה / רק בתורות ובמשפטים ובחוקים / מצאנו שני טעמים לפסוקים / והטעם האחד כנגד המעתיקים, שהיו כולם צדיקים / נשען על אמתם בלי ספק בידים חזקים".<br/>Ibn Ezra's distinction is rooted in his strong desire to explain the text according to its simple sense, using the rules of grammar and logic, on the one hand, and his need to uphold the Oral Law and opinions of the Sages in the face of Karaites who rejected these. Unlike Rashbam, he did not feel that he was at liberty to explain legal sections of Torah against the Midrash, for that would fuel the arguments of his opponents and lead many to question or reject the legal rulings of the Sages.</fn> In his introduction to his second commentary, Ibn Ezra provides three criteria for determining when one may dismiss or reinterpret an interpretation of the Sages<fn>These criteria apply also to any predecessor's explanations.</fn>: if it goes against reason, contradicts another verse, or disputes tradition.<fn>He writes, "שאם מצאנו באחד הנזכרים, דבר שיכחיש אחד משלשה דברים, כי האחד שקול הדעת הישרה, או כתוב מכחיש אחר בדרך סברא, או יכחיש הקבלה הנגמרה, אז נחשוב לתקן הכל כפי יכלתינו, בדרך משל או תוספות אות או מלה על דרך לשונינו".
<li>Narrative material – According to Ibn Ezra, aggadic interpretations which are not in keeping with the literal meaning of the text do not have to be taken at face value.<fn>Thus Ibn Ezra notes that the Rabbinic statement that “Noah drank from his vineyard on the day he planted it” is not to be taken literally. &#160;Neither is the Rabbinic&#160;statement that &#160;that&#160;God showed Moses the knot of the tefillin to be taken according to its plain meaning.&#160;"These words (of the sages) are correct. However, its meaning is not in accordance with that of the wise men of this generation who interpret the Rabbinic statement literally. On the contrary, this has a deeply hidden secret meaning."</fn></li>
<li><b>Narrative material</b> Thus, according to Ibn Ezra, aggadic interpretations which do not accord with another verse (or the literal meaning of the text)<fn>For examples where Ibn Ezra rejects such interpretations, see Ibn Ezra Second Commentary Bereshit 11:29, First Commentary Bereshit 19:12, 22:19, 24:2, 25:1, 28:11, 39:6, and Shemot 24:14.&#160; See also Ibn Ezra's introduction to Eikhah.</fn> and those which contradict logic,<fn>For examples, see Ibn Ezra First Commentary Bereshit 22:6-8, 31:19, 38:1 (and Shemot 24:14), 46:27, Second Commentary Shemot 7:24, 18:21, 20:1, 25:5, 31:1.</fn> might be rejected.&#160; Nonetheless, recognizing the value of "tradition," Ibn Ezra will periodically add "but if it is a tradition, we will accept it".<fn>See, for instance, his First Commentary Bereshit 11:29, 22:6-8, Second Commentary Bereshit 11:28, Shemot 1:16,15:22, 25:5, 25:18, 26:18-28, 40:2, Yeshayahu 1:1 and First Commentary to Amos 5:25.</fn>&#160; Elsewhere, too, he will maintain that the Midrash is correct, but not meant to be taken at face value.<fn>do not have to be taken at face value55and might be rejected</fn></li>
<li>Legal material<fn>"If it were not for the men of the Mishnah and Talmud, the Torah of our God and its very memory would have &#160;everything perished. For these scholars properly analyzed everything in the Torah, They explained and clarified the precepts and statutes of the Torah for us in accordance with their tradition. At times they find clear evidence for their traditions in the Torah, At other times, they find mere supports for their traditions. One who is intelligent can discern when the sages understand a text literally and when they do midrashically. For all their interpretations do not follow one course " &#160;(Yesod Mora 6. The Sectet of the Torah; A translation of Abraham ibn Ezra's Yesod Mora; 1995 by H. Norman Strickman p. 84).</fn> –</li>
<li><b>Legal material</b> – With regards to legal material, in contrast, Ibn Ezra will accept the opinion of the Sages, even if it appears to contradict the simple sense of the verse, noting that the verse might be simply an "אסמכתא", a hook to remind one of the law.<fn>He writes, "כי יש מקומות שידרשו בו קדמונינו לזכר ולאסמכתא בעלמא, והם ידעו הפשט כי להם נתנה כל חכמה."&#160; See Yesod Mora 6 similalry, ""At times they find clear evidence for their traditions in the Torah; at other times, they find mere supports for their traditions."</fn>&#160; If</li>

Version as of 02:59, 18 May 2021

Ibn Ezra – Intellectual Profile

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Ibn Ezra
R. Avraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra
ר' אברהם בן מאיר אבן עזרא, ראב"ע
Dates1092 – 1167
LocationAndalusia / Italy / Provence / France / England
WorksCommentaries on Torah and part of Nakh, math, science, and grammar works.
Exegetical Characteristics
Influenced byR. Saadia Gaon, R. Yonah ibn Janach, R. Yehudah Hayuj
Impacted onMost Jewish Bible commentators. His though great impact on Chasidei Ashkenzaz



  • Name – Avraham ben Meir ibn Ezra1
  • Dates – 1088/89-1164 or 1092-11672
  • Location –  Andalusia, Italy, France, Provence, England. Ibn Ezra's life can be divided into two main periods, until about 1140 in which he was centered in Andalusia, and from then until his death which he spent wandering through Christian lands.3 In the first period his primary literary output was in the field of poetry. His Tanakh commentaries, grammatical and other works were written in the later period.4 As such, it was first at about the age of fifty that Ibn Ezra began to write the scholarly works for which he is so well known.
  • Education – Ibn Ezra was a polymath, engaging in many disciplines including Bible, Talmud,5 Midrash, grammar and philology, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, astrology,6 and poetry.
  • Occupation – Poet,7 teacher,8 and Bible commentator
  • Family – Not much is known of Ibn Ezra's family. It is possible that he sired five children,9 but only one is known by name,  Yitzchak, who was a poet of note.10 It is possible that he predeceased his father.11 
  • Teachers – 
  • Contemporaries – R. Yehuda HaLevi,12 Rabbi Moshe ibn Ezra,13 Rabbi Joseph ibn Tzadik,14 Rashbam, R. Tam.15
  • Students – 
  • Time period – Ibn Ezra lived during the Almohad's invasion of Moslem Spain and their forced conversions of Jews to Islam on pain of death. This likely contributed to Ibn Ezra's leaving of Spain and his subsequent wanderings.16 He wrote an elegy, "אֲהָהּ יָרַד עֲלֵי סְפָרַד", lamenting the destruction of the Jewish communities in Spain in the aftermath of the invasion.17  In addition, the first (1095) and second crusades.(1150) took place during his lifetime.


Ibn Ezra was a prolific writer, leaving behind many works in a variety of fields from poetry to astronomy:18

  • Biblical commentaries
    • Ibn Ezra wrote a commentary on all five books of the Torah,19 Yeshayahu,20 Trei Asar, Tehillim,21 Iyyov, the five Megillot,22 and Daniel. He is somewhat unique among commentators in having written two distinct commentaries for each of several books,23 including Bereshit,24 Shemot,25 Trei Asar, Tehillim, Esther, Shir HaShirim and Daniel.26  Two fragments of a third commentary to Bereshit, recorded by a patron and disciple, have also survived.27
    • It is likely that Ibn Ezra wrote on the other books as well, as he himself periodically refers his reader to such explanations,28 but these works have not survived.29  The commentaries on Mishlei and Ezra-Nechemyah attributed to him were likely authored by Moshe Kimchi.30 
  • Grammar – Ibn Ezra wrote several grammatical works including: 31ספר מאזנים, ספר צחות32, שפת יתר,33 שפה ברורה34, and יסוד דקדוק35.  He also translated several works of R. Yehuda ibn Hayyuj into Hebrew.
  • Astronomy and mathematics    Ibn Ezra wrote many astrological works including: Reshit Hokhmah,36 Safer Ha-Te’ammim,37 Keli Nechoshet,38 Ta’ame Luhot Al-Ku’arizmi, 39 Sefer Ha-Ibbur,  Response to Three Questions of Rabbi David Narboni, and Sefer Ha-Me’orot40
  • Rabbinics – No Talmudic novellae or Halakhic codes of Ibn Ezra are extant.  There is, though, one citation that might testify to his having written on the Talmud.  In his introduction to his commentary on Megillat Esther, R. Zecharyah b. Saruq writes, "ואנכי ראיתי חדושי הראב"ע מסכת קידושין והם בתכלית הדקות והאימות".
  • Philosophy / Jewish thought – Ibn Ezra's philosophical views can be found scattered throughout his Torah commentaries, but he also wrote several works which heavily focused on such issues. His work, יסוד מורא וסוד התורה, discusses the rationale behind Biblical commandments.41  His ערוגת המזימה פרדס החכמה deals with the existence of God, while ספר השם, as its name suggests, discusses the names of God. 

Torah Commentary


  • Verse by verse / Topical – Ibn Ezra's commentary is generally a local, verse by verse commentary, marked by brevity and an emphasis on grammar and linguistics. However, there are many exceptions where Ibn Ezra includes lengthy discussions of philosophical and other issues42 including long excursus on God's name,43 the Priestly Garments, Ten Commandments,44 the Golden Calf and Aharon's role in the sin,45 and Moses' request to see the face of God.46
  • Language – Ibn Ezra, somewhat unique among commentators of his era who came from Islamic lands, wrote his commentary in Hebrew rather than Arabic.47  Ibn Ezra's language is often cryptic and obscure,48 making it difficult to understand.49
  • Peshat and Derash – Ibn Ezra distinguishes between the authority he grants the interpretations of the Sages in legal and narrative material, finding their words binding with regards to the former but not the latter.50 In his introduction to his second commentary, Ibn Ezra provides three criteria for determining when one may dismiss or reinterpret an interpretation of the Sages51: if it goes against reason, contradicts another verse, or disputes tradition.52 
    • Narrative material – Thus, according to Ibn Ezra, aggadic interpretations which do not accord with another verse (or the literal meaning of the text)53 and those which contradict logic,54 might be rejected.  Nonetheless, recognizing the value of "tradition," Ibn Ezra will periodically add "but if it is a tradition, we will accept it".55  Elsewhere, too, he will maintain that the Midrash is correct, but not meant to be taken at face value.56
    • Legal material – With regards to legal material, in contrast, Ibn Ezra will accept the opinion of the Sages, even if it appears to contradict the simple sense of the verse, noting that the verse might be simply an "אסמכתא", a hook to remind one of the law.57  If
  • Grammar – Ibn Ezra's commentary is characterized by a heavy emphasis on grammar. He believed that knowledge of grammar is crucial to understanding the Biblical text, writing in the introduction to his Torah commentary: "ובעבותות הדקדוק נקשר".  See below ("methods") for discussion and examples of his grammatical insights.
  • Philosophy – See Ibn Ezra's comments to Gen. 18:21 and Ps. 1:6.
  • Numerology - See Ibn Ezra on Ex. 3:15.


  • Programmatic statements / introductions – In his introduction to his Torah commentary, Ibn Ezra lays out his methodology in interpreting the Biblical text. He first discusses and rejects four distinct approaches to Biblical exegesis, and then presents his own.58 He dismisses:
    • Christian allegorical and typological interpretations as these do not match the simple, literal sense of the text59
    • Karaite explanations60 since they do not accept the Oral law
    • The extensive philosophical treatises of the Geonim as they have no place in a peshat Torah commentary whose goal is to interpret the verses61 
    • Homiletical exegesis which draws heavily on Midrash, seeing these as superfluous, having already been expressed by the Sages.62
  • Regarding his own methodology he writes that his goal is, "לבאר כל כתוב כמשפטו, ודקדוקו ופשוטו". Elsewhere in the introduction, he similarly notes: "ובעבותות הדקדוק נקשר / ובעיני הדעת יכשר", pointing to two hallmarks of Spanish exegesis: grammar and logic. Each of these will be discussed below.
  • Grammar
    • Scripture often uses abridged phrases and sentences.63 Sometimes it omits prepositions.64 It might employs an adjective but leaves out the noun which it qualifies.65  Elsewhere, it omits the subject or object in a verse because it is implied by the verb used.66
    • The vav is not always to be translated as "and". At times it is not to be translated. See I.E. on Gen. 1:2.
    • When a verb in the singular governs a noun, the verb refers to each one of the plural. See I.E. on Gen. 49:22; Ecc.10:1.
    • Scripture employs superfluous letters. See I.E. 1:5.
    • Scripture at times employs the imperfect with the meaning of a perfect,67 the perfect with the meaning of an imperfect,68or the perfect as a pluperfect.69
  • Reason  –
    • Ibn Ezra will reject explanations of verses which do not stand up to reason.  See his comments to Bereshit 22:7,70 Shemot 25:3-5,71
  • Linguistics / Philology
    • Use of cognate languages – Ibn Ezra explains difficult words both by looking כםרr biblical parallels and by turning to cognate languages such as Arabic or Aramaic.


  • Philosophy
    • God – God is incorporeal, God is the All. Purpose of man is to know God, obey His laws, and cling to God.
    • The Precepts:  According to Ibn Ezra’s calculations, there are only about sixty mitzvot in the Torah, though he believed that each one has infinite implications.72  Ibn Ezra distinguished among three types of mitzvot.
      • Rational laws. Ibn Ezra refers to these as pikkudim (deposits) because God deposited them in the mind, and they were known via human reasoning even before the Torah was given.73 These include civil laws and injunctions against incest, adultery and the like.74
      • Symbolic precepts. This category includes commandments that serve as reminders of the rational laws or of precepts that all Israelites, both men and women, are obligated to be conscious of at all times. The Sabbath, which recalls creation, is an example.75
      • Esoteric commandments.  This group includes commandments that possess a purpose that only a few can fathom.  An individual is obligated to observe  these commandments even if he does not understand their purpose or function.76 
  • Polemics against the Karaites
  • Astrology – Ibn Ezra often speaks of astrological phenomenon and the role of the stars in determining what will take place on earth.  For example, he notes that each nation has its own unique constellation that guides it, while Hashem alone guides Israel.77 He states that the arrangement of the stars reveals what is new and destined for each day, reflecting the mind of Hashem.78

Textual Issues

  • Manuscripts – 
  • Printings – 
  • Textual layers – See Ibn Ezra's Torah Commentary for discussion of Ibn Ezra's own additions to his First Commentary.


Significant Influences

  • Earlier Sources
    • R. Saadiah Gaon (892-942 C.E.)
    • R. Moshe, Ha-Kohen ibn Giqatilah(11th century)
    • R. Solomon ibn Gabirol.(1020-1070 C.E.)
    • Grammarians - R. Judah ibn Hayyuj ( c. 950-1000), R. Jonah ibn Janach (c. 920-c 970); R Menahchem ben Saruk (c. 910- c. 970 C.E.); Dunash ben Labrat (920-990 C.E.)
  • Teachers – 
  • Foils – 

Occasional Usage

Possible Relationship.


Later exegetes79 

  • Rabbi Yehudah He-Chasid80
  • Rabbi David Kimchi (1160-1235)
  • Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (1195-1270)
  • Rabbi Levi ben Gershon (1288-1344).
  • Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abravanel (1437-1508).
  • Maimonides - The many parallels between the teachings of Ibn Ezra and those of Maimonides (1138–1204) have led some to suggest that the works of Ibn Ezra influenced Maimonides.81 Ibn Ezra also impacted on the Chasidei Ashkenaz.82 
