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<h1>R. Moshe b. Nachman (Ramban, Nachmanides)</h1>
<h1>R. Moshe b. Nachman (Ramban, Nachmanides)</h1>
<div class="header">
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<infobox class="Parshan">
<infobox class="Parshan">
<div>R. Moshe b. Nachman, Nachmanides</div>
<div dir="rtl">ר' משה בן נחמן, רמב"ן</div>
<div dir="ltr">
R. Moshe b. Nachman, Nachmanides
<div dir="rtl">
ר' משה בן נחמן, רמב"ן
<content>c. 1194 – c. 1270</content>
<content>Catalonia / Israel</content>
<content>c. 1194 – c. 1270</content>
<content>Bible, Talmud, Halakhah</content>
<content>Catalonia / Israel</content>
<label>Exegetical Characteristics</label>
<content>Peshat, Rabbinic analysis, mystical, broad scope</content>
<content>Bible, Talmud, Halakhah</content>
<label>Influenced by</label>
<content>Rashi, Ibn Ezra, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, Radak</content>
<label>Exegetical Characteristics</label>
<content>Peshat, Rabbinic analysis, mystical, broad scope</content>
<row><label>Impacted on</label>
<content>Raah, Rashba, R. Bachya, Tur, Ran, Seforno, Ma'asei Hashem</content>
<label>Influenced by</label>
<content>Rashi, Ibn Ezra, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, Radak</content>
<label>Impacted on</label>
<content>Raah, Rashba, R. Bachya, Tur, Ran, Seforno, Ma'asei Hashem</content>
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<li><b>Biblical commentaries</b> – Ramban wrote commentaries on the Torah and on the book of Iyyov.<fn>We also possess Ramban's interpretation of Yeshayahu 52:13 – 53:12, written in the aftermath of the Barcelona Disputation, and a lengthy sermon on Kohelet delivered before he departed for Israel.</fn></li>
<li><b>Biblical commentaries</b> – Ramban wrote commentaries on the Torah and on the book of Iyyov.<fn>We also possess Ramban's interpretation of Yeshayahu 52:13 – 53:12, written in the aftermath of the Barcelona Disputation, and a lengthy sermon on Kohelet delivered before he departed for Israel.</fn></li>
<li><b>Rabbinics</b> – Ramban's prolific writing in this area can be divided into a few categories:
<li><b>Rabbinics</b> – Ramban's prolific writing in this area can be divided into a few categories:
<li><b>Talmudic novellae</b> – Collections of expositions on most of the tractates in the first four sections of the Talmud Bavli, as well as Chullin and Niddah.<fn>Ramban also wrote a work on the topic of indirect damages (קונטרס דינא דגרמי) and a sermon on the laws of Rosh HaShanah (דרשה לראש השנה).</fn></li>
<li><b>Talmudic novellae</b> – Collections of expositions on most of the tractates in the first four sections of the Talmud Bavli, as well as Chullin and Niddah.<fn>Ramban also wrote a work on the topic of indirect damages (קונטרס דינא דגרמי) and a sermon on the laws of Rosh HaShanah (דרשה לראש השנה).</fn></li>
<li><b>Halakhic codes</b> – Compendia of the laws of Nedarim, Bekhorot, Niddah, and Challah; Torat HaAdam (on the laws of mourning), Mishpat HaCherem (on the laws of excommunication).</li>
<li><b>Halakhic codes</b> – Compendia of the laws of Nedarim, Bekhorot, Niddah, and Challah; Torat HaAdam (on the laws of mourning), Mishpat HaCherem (on the laws of excommunication).</li>
<li><b>Responses to the works of others</b> – Milchamot Hashem,<fn>This Talmudic based work defends the Halakhot of R. Yitzchak Alfasi (Rif) from the critique of R. Zerachya HaLevi (Ba'al HaMaor).</fn> Sefer HaZekhut,<fn>A defense of R. Yitzchak Alfasi (Rif) from the critique of R. Avraham b. David (Raavad).</fn> Glosses on the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot,<fn>This work contains a defense of the Halakhot Gedolot's enumeration of the 613 commandments.</fn> Hilkhot Lulav,<fn>This is a critique of the work of the Raavad by the same name, and a defense of the positions of the Geonim and Rif.</fn> Hasagot on Sefer HaTzava.<fn>A defense of the Rif from the critique of the Ba'al HaMaor.</fn></li>
<li><b>Responses to the works of others</b> – Milchamot Hashem,<fn>This Talmudic based work defends the Halakhot of R. Yitzchak Alfasi (Rif) from the critique of R. Zerachya HaLevi (Ba'al HaMaor).</fn> Sefer HaZekhut,<fn>A defense of R. Yitzchak Alfasi (Rif) from the critique of R. Avraham b. David (Raavad).</fn> Glosses on the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot,<fn>This work contains a defense of the Halakhot Gedolot's enumeration of the 613 commandments.</fn> Hilkhot Lulav,<fn>This is a critique of the work of the Raavad by the same name, and a defense of the positions of the Geonim and Rif.</fn> Hasagot on Sefer HaTzava.<fn>A defense of the Rif from the critique of the Ba'al HaMaor.</fn></li>
<li><b>Teshuvot</b> – C. Chavel collected and published Ramban's responsa from manuscripts and citations in various medieval works.</li>
<li><b>Teshuvot</b> – C. Chavel collected and published Ramban's responsa from manuscripts and citations in various medieval works.</li>
<li><b>Jewish thought</b> – Sefer HaVikuach,<fn>An account of the Barcelona Disputation.</fn> Derashat Torat Hashem Temimah,<fn>Ramban's sermon in the Barcelona Synagogue in response to King James' address to the congregation (in the aftermath of the Barcelona Disputation).</fn> Sefer HaGeulah, Shaar HaGemul,<fn>This is the final chapter of Torat HaAdam, in which Ramban discusses various theological issues such as reward and punishment, the World to Come, and Resurrection.</fn> and possibly Iggeret HaMusar.<fn>This letter has been attributed to Ramban for many centuries (see Shelah, Shaar HaOtiyyot, 4:45), however T. Preschel, "אגרת שיוחסה בטעות לרמב"ן", Talpiyot 8:1 (1960): 49-53, pointed out that most of it contains almost verbatim parallels to the abridgment of a treatise of R. Moshe of Evreux cited in the <a href="OrchotChayyim" data-aht="source">Orchot Chayyim</a> and <a href="KolBo66" data-aht="source">Kol Bo</a>.  The parallels are so distinct (see <a href="ComparisonTable" data-aht="source">Comparison Table</a>) that coincidence can be ruled out.  Preschel also rules out the possibility of a mistaken attribution to R. Moshe of Evreux, as a passage of this essay is cited in his name by his student R. Peretz (in a gloss on the Semak 11).  Thus, Preschel concludes that the Iggeret Musar is really the work of R. Moshe of Evreux which was ascribed erroneously to Ramban.  Chavel (Intro. to the Iggeret) and others disagree and contend that the attribution of the Iggeret to Ramban is correct and that he was working off the work of R. Moshe of Evreux (see further discussion below regarding Ramban's use of sources).</fn></li>
<li><b>Jewish thought</b> – Sefer HaVikuach,<fn>An account of the Barcelona Disputation.</fn> Derashat Torat Hashem Temimah,<fn>This work was long assumed to be the sermon Ramban delivered&#160;in the aftermath of the Barcelona Disputation in response to King James' address to the congregation in the Barcelona Synagogue.&#160; In a recent article, though, Oded Yisraeli, "מדרשת 'תורת ה' תמימה' לפירוש התורה: אבני דרך ביצירתו של הרמב"ן", Tarbiz 83:1 (5775): 163-195, argues that this Derashah was actually written before Ramban's Torah commentary.</fn> Sefer HaGeulah, Shaar HaGemul,<fn>This is the final chapter of Torat HaAdam, in which Ramban discusses various theological issues such as reward and punishment, the World to Come, and Resurrection.</fn> and possibly Iggeret HaMusar.<fn>This letter has been attributed to Ramban for many centuries (see Shelah, Shaar HaOtiyyot, 4:45), however T. Preschel, "אגרת שיוחסה בטעות לרמב"ן", Talpiyot 8:1 (1960): 49-53, pointed out that most of it contains almost verbatim parallels to the abridgment of a treatise of R. Moshe of Evreux cited in the <a href="OrchotChayyim" data-aht="source">Orchot Chayyim</a> and <a href="KolBo66" data-aht="source">Kol Bo</a>.  The parallels are so distinct (see <a href="ComparisonTable" data-aht="source">Comparison Table</a>) that coincidence can be ruled out.  Preschel also rules out the possibility of a mistaken attribution to R. Moshe of Evreux, as a passage of this essay is cited in his name by his student R. Peretz (in a gloss on the Semak 11).  Thus, Preschel concludes that the Iggeret Musar is really the work of R. Moshe of Evreux which was ascribed erroneously to Ramban.  Chavel (Intro. to the Iggeret) and others disagree and contend that the attribution of the Iggeret to Ramban is correct and that he was working off the work of R. Moshe of Evreux (see further discussion below regarding Ramban's use of sources).</fn></li>
<li><b>Commonly misattributed to Ramban</b> – Commentary to Shir HaShirim,<fn>The commentary on Shir HaShirim ascribed to Ramban was written by R. Azriel or R. Ezra of Gerona (see the evidence collected in Chavel's Introduction to the Commentary).</fn> Iggeret HaKodesh,<fn>This work was attributed to Ramban by R. Yisrael AlNakawa (Menorat HaMaor Vol.4, p.87), but see Chavel's introduction that it was likely written by R. Azriel of Gerona.</fn> Sefer HaEmunah veHaBitachon.<fn>Although ascribed to Ramban already by a student of the Rashba, this work was apparently written by R. Yaakov b. Sheshet of Gerona.  The evidence for this can be found in Vida's introduction to R. Yaakov's Sefer Meishiv Devarim Nekhochim, pp. 18-20.  See also Chavel's discussion in his introduction.</fn></li>
<li><b>Commonly misattributed to Ramban</b> – Commentary to Shir HaShirim,<fn>The commentary on Shir HaShirim ascribed to Ramban was written by R. Azriel or R. Ezra of Gerona (see the evidence collected in Chavel's Introduction to the Commentary).</fn> Iggeret HaKodesh,<fn>This work was attributed to Ramban by R. Yisrael AlNakawa (Menorat HaMaor Vol.4, p.87), but see Chavel's introduction that it was likely written by R. Azriel of Gerona.</fn> Sefer HaEmunah veHaBitachon.<fn>Although ascribed to Ramban already by a student of the Rashba, this work was apparently written by R. Yaakov b. Sheshet of Gerona.  The evidence for this can be found in Vida's introduction to R. Yaakov's Sefer Meishiv Devarim Nekhochim, pp. 18-20.  See also Chavel's discussion in his introduction.</fn></li>
<category>Torah Commentary
<category>Torah Commentary
<subcategory>Textual Issues
<subcategory>Textual Issues
<li><b>Manuscripts</b> – Over 35 complete manuscripts are extant,<fn>Six of these are dated to the 14th century, while the rest are later.  Ramban's later additions to his commentary (see below) are of significant value in mapping the relationship between these manuscripts.</fn> and a few dozen others contain individual chumashim or fragments of the commentary.<fn>Many of the fragments are dated to the 13th or 14th centuries.</fn></li>
<li><b>Manuscripts</b> – Over 35 complete manuscripts are extant,<fn>Six of these are dated to the 14th century, while the rest are later.  Ramban's later additions to his commentary (see below) are of significant value in mapping the relationship between these manuscripts.</fn> and a few dozen others contain individual chumashim or fragments of the commentary.<fn>Many of the fragments are dated to the 13th or 14th centuries.</fn></li>
<li><b>Printings</b> – Ramban's commentary was first printed in Rome c. 1470.<fn>It was then reprinted in Lisbon in 1489 and in Napoli in 1490.</fn>  A number of annotated editions have appeared in the last half-century,<fn>M. Eisenstadt began to publish an edition in 1959, based on the Lisbon printing and corrected according to various manuscripts and other printings, but he published only two volumes covering Sefer Bereshit.</fn> with C. Chavel's edition being the most well known and commonplace.<fn>Chavel published the full commentary in 1959-60.  Chavel's edition (later incorporated in Mosad HaRav Kook's Torat Chayyim) played a major role in the dissemination of the commentary, but its text has some deficiencies.  See U. Eitam, "על נוסח פירוש רמב"ן לתורה במהדורת הרב שעוועל", Megadim 30 (1999):73-96, that Chavel's edition used as its base text a 1951 New York printing which was based on the 1860 Warsaw edition (which, in turn, was based on the 1490 Napoli edition), and that it incorporated the numerous corruptions of the text which had crept in at each previous stage as well as additional ones.</fn>  Click for a <a href="Commentators:Ramban's Text" data-aht="page">table</a> of some of the missing text in Chavel's edition.</li>
<li><b>Printings</b> – Ramban's commentary was first printed in Rome c. 1470.<fn>It was then reprinted in Lisbon in 1489 and in Napoli in 1490.</fn>  A number of annotated editions have appeared in the last half-century,<fn>M. Eisenstadt began to publish an edition in 1959, based on the Lisbon printing and corrected according to various manuscripts and other printings, but he published only two volumes covering Sefer Bereshit.</fn> with C. Chavel's edition being the most well known and commonplace.<fn>Chavel published the full commentary in 1959-60.  Chavel's edition (later incorporated in Mosad HaRav Kook's Torat Chayyim) played a major role in the dissemination of the commentary, but its text has some deficiencies.  See U. Eitam, "על נוסח פירוש רמב"ן לתורה במהדורת הרב שעוועל", Megadim 30 (1999):73-96, that Chavel's edition used as its base text a 1951 New York printing which was based on the 1860 Warsaw edition (which, in turn, was based on the 1490 Napoli edition), and that it incorporated the numerous corruptions of the text which had crept in at each previous stage as well as additional ones.</fn>  Click for a <a href="Commentators:Ramban's Text" data-aht="page">table</a> of some of the missing text in Chavel's edition.</li>
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<li><b>Topical</b> – Ramban comments on about a third of the verses in the Torah.<fn>There are approximately 5845 verses in the Torah (see <a href="$">Number of Verses in Torah</a> for a fuller discussion of this subject):  1534 in Bereshit, 1209 in Shemot, 859 in Vayikra, 1288 in Bemidbar, and 955 in Devarim.  Ramban comments on approximately 1710 units:  547 in Bereshit, 390 in Shemot, 242 in Vayikra, 228 in Bemidbar, 303 in Devarim.  [These figures use Chavel's edition and unit division.  The exact totals depend considerably on how one tallies interpretations of Ramban which span multiple verses.]  Like most exegetes, Ramban comments less often in Vayikra, Bemidbar, and Devarim, than in Bereshit and Shemot.  [A more precise analysis needs to take into account factors such as genealogical lists or repeated sections.  These will partially explain why Ramban's commentary on Bemidbar has a much lower percentage of verses on which he comments than that of Devarim.]</fn>  His commentary is selective in what it addresses, and is not a verse by verse commentary.<fn>Cf. Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and Radak.  Partially for this reason, Ramban's comments tend to be much longer than those commentators, as he will frequently examine issues of broader scope.  For a more detailed comparison table of the various exegetes, see <a href="$">Commentary Comparison</a>.  The relationship between Rashi and Ramban's Torah commentaries is analogous in many ways to the relationship between the Talmudic commentaries of Rashi and the Tosafists.</fn></li>
<li><b>Topical</b> – Ramban comments on about a third of the verses in the Torah.<fn>There are approximately 5845 verses in the Torah (see <a href="$">Number of Verses in Torah</a> for a fuller discussion of this subject):  1534 in Bereshit, 1209 in Shemot, 859 in Vayikra, 1288 in Bemidbar, and 955 in Devarim.  Ramban comments on approximately 1710 units:  547 in Bereshit, 390 in Shemot, 242 in Vayikra, 228 in Bemidbar, 303 in Devarim.  [These figures use Chavel's edition and unit division.  The exact totals depend considerably on how one tallies interpretations of Ramban which span multiple verses.]  Like most exegetes, Ramban comments less often in Vayikra, Bemidbar, and Devarim, than in Bereshit and Shemot.  [A more precise analysis needs to take into account factors such as genealogical lists or repeated sections.  These will partially explain why Ramban's commentary on Bemidbar has a much lower percentage of verses on which he comments than that of Devarim.]</fn>  His commentary is selective in what it addresses, and is not a verse by verse commentary.<fn>Cf. Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and Radak.  Partially for this reason, Ramban's comments tend to be much longer than those commentators, as he will frequently examine issues of broader scope.  For a more detailed comparison table of the various exegetes, see <a href="$">Commentary Comparison</a>.  The relationship between Rashi and Ramban's Torah commentaries is analogous in many ways to the relationship between the Talmudic commentaries of Rashi and the Tosafists.</fn></li>
<li><b>Multidisciplinary</b> – Ramban's commentary combines analyses of Rabbinic interpretation (מדרש), literal interpretations (פשט), and Kabbalistic interpretations (סוד)&#8206;.<fn>For statistical analysis, see <a href="$">Table</a>.</fn>  This heterogeneous character was unique and may account for part of the commentary's popularity.<fn>It appears that already in Ramban's lifetime and in the period after his death, the mystical portion of the commentary became very popular in Kabbalistic circles – see below.</fn></li>
<li><b>Multidisciplinary</b> – Ramban's commentary combines analyses of Rabbinic interpretation (מדרש), literal interpretations (פשט), and Kabbalistic interpretations (סוד)&#8206;.<fn>For statistical analysis, see <a href="$">Table</a>.</fn>  This heterogeneous character was unique and may account for part of the commentary's popularity.<fn>It appears that already in Ramban's lifetime and in the period after his death, the mystical portion of the commentary became very popular in Kabbalistic circles – see below.</fn></li>
<li><b>Dialectic</b> – Ramban regularly opens his analyses by surveying the exegesis of his predecessors.  These alternative interpretations serve as foils for Ramban's own positions.</li>
<li><b>Dialectic</b> – Ramban regularly opens his analyses by surveying the exegesis of his predecessors.  These alternative interpretations serve as foils for Ramban's own positions.</li>
<li><b>Categories of questions</b> – </li>
<li><b>Categories of questions</b> –&#160;</li>
<li><b></b> – </li>
<li><b></b> –&#160;</li>
<li><b></b> – </li>
<li> – respect for earlier authorities, defends vs. critiques of Rambam, Baal HaMaor, Ibn Ezra</li>
<li> – broad scope - structure, sequence</li>
<li> – Distinguish between unique and non-unique</li>
<li> – synthesis of French, Provencal, and Spanish traditions (cf. his method in toshba)</li>
<li> – </li>
<li> –&#160;</li>
<subcategory>Significant Influences
<subcategory>Significant Influences
<li><b>Earlier Sources</b> – Rashi, Radak, Northern French exegetes</li>
<li><b>Earlier Sources</b> – Rashi, Radak, Northern French exegetes</li>
<li><b>Teachers</b> – R. Ezra, R. Azriel</li>
<li><b>Teachers</b> – R. Ezra, R. Azriel</li>
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<subcategory>Occasional Usage
<subcategory>Occasional Usage
<li>Geonim, Ibn Janach, R. Yosef Kimchi – </li>
<li>Geonim, Ibn Janach, R. Yosef Kimchi –&#160;</li>
<subcategory>Possible Relationship
<subcategory>Possible Relationship
<li>Rashbam, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, R. Yonah – </li>
<li>Rashbam, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, R. Yonah –&#160;</li>
<subcategory>Later Exegetes
<subcategory>Later Exegetes
<li>R. Bachya, Tur, Ran, Seforno, Ma'asei Hashem – </li>
<li>R. Bachya, Tur, Ran, Seforno, Ma'asei Hashem –&#160;</li>
<li>Tur – </li>
<li>Tur –&#160;</li>
<li>Recanati – </li>
<li>Recanati –&#160;</li>

Version as of 03:34, 31 July 2015

R. Moshe b. Nachman (Ramban, Nachmanides)

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R. Moshe b. Nachman, Nachmanides
ר' משה בן נחמן, רמב"ן
Datesc. 1194 – c. 1270
LocationCatalonia / Israel
WorksBible, Talmud, Halakhah
Exegetical CharacteristicsPeshat, Rabbinic analysis, mystical, broad scope
Influenced byRashi, Ibn Ezra, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, Radak
Impacted onRaah, Rashba, R. Bachya, Tur, Ran, Seforno, Ma'asei Hashem



  • Name
    • Hebrew name – R. Moshe b. Nachman (ר' משה בן נחמן), of which Ramban (רמב"ן) is an acronym.1
    • Catalan name – Bonastrug ca Porta.2
  • Dates – c.11943 – c.1270.4
  • Location – Ramban apparently lived most of his life in Gerona.5 At the end of his life he immigrated to Israel and spent time in Akko6 and Yerushalayim.7
  • Time period
    • Most of Ramban's life overlapped with the reign of King James I of Aragon (1213–1276).8
    • Ramban played an important role in the second Maimonidean Controversy of the 1230s.9
    • Ramban mounted a spirited defense of Judaism in the Barcelona Disputation of 1263.10
  • Occupation – In addition to his various communal and teaching responsibilities, Ramban was also a practicing physician.11
  • Family – Ramban was a descendant of R. Yitzchak b. Reuven of Barcelona.12 His first cousin was R. Yonah b. Avraham Gerondi,13 and Ramban's son, R. Nachman, married R. Yonah's daughter.14
  • Teachers – Ramban studied under R. Yehuda b. Yakar15 and R. Natan b. Meir,16 both of whom were students of the famed Tosafist R. Yitzchak b. Avraham.17
  • Contemporaries – R. Meir HaLevi Abulafia (Ramah),18 R. Shemuel HaSardi,19 R. Shelomo of Montpelier,20 R. Yonah Gerondi.21
  • Students – R. Aharon HaLevi (Raah), Rashba, R. David Bonafed, R. Yitzchak Carcosa, Ramban's son R. Nachman.


  • Biblical commentaries – Ramban wrote commentaries on the Torah and on the book of Iyyov.22
  • Rabbinics – Ramban's prolific writing in this area can be divided into a few categories:
    • Talmudic novellae – Collections of expositions on most of the tractates in the first four sections of the Talmud Bavli, as well as Chullin and Niddah.23
    • Halakhic codes – Compendia of the laws of Nedarim, Bekhorot, Niddah, and Challah; Torat HaAdam (on the laws of mourning), Mishpat HaCherem (on the laws of excommunication).
    • Responses to the works of others – Milchamot Hashem,24 Sefer HaZekhut,25 Glosses on the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot,26 Hilkhot Lulav,27 Hasagot on Sefer HaTzava.28
    • Teshuvot – C. Chavel collected and published Ramban's responsa from manuscripts and citations in various medieval works.
  • Jewish thought – Sefer HaVikuach,29 Derashat Torat Hashem Temimah,30 Sefer HaGeulah, Shaar HaGemul,31 and possibly Iggeret HaMusar.32
  • Commonly misattributed to Ramban – Commentary to Shir HaShirim,33 Iggeret HaKodesh,34 Sefer HaEmunah veHaBitachon.35

Torah Commentary

Textual Issues

  • Manuscripts – Over 35 complete manuscripts are extant,36 and a few dozen others contain individual chumashim or fragments of the commentary.37
  • Printings – Ramban's commentary was first printed in Rome c. 1470.38 A number of annotated editions have appeared in the last half-century,39 with C. Chavel's edition being the most well known and commonplace.40 Click for a table of some of the missing text in Chavel's edition.
  • Long and short commentaries – The existence of both long and short versions of Ramban's Torah commentary was noted already by R. David HaKochavi in his Sefer HaBattim (c. 1300). In addition to the well known longer Commentary on the Torah of Ramban, there are also over thirty extant manuscripts of an abridged version of the Commentary.41 This "Short Commentary" collects all of the Kabbalistic interpretations of Ramban found in the longer commentary.42
  • The writing process – It is unclear when Ramban began to author his commentary,43 but it is clear that he continued to update it until the very end of his life. This is indicated by explicit remarks of Ramban himself in his commentary44 and by lists containing some of these updates which Ramban sent from Israel to Spain.45 The various lists contain only a portion of these additions, and many more can be found by a comparative analysis of the various manuscripts and other textual witnesses of the commentary.46 All together, these total over 270 additions and changes. Click to view an interactive table and analysis of these updates.
  • Ramban's later updates47 – Ramban's additions and changes to his commentary from his later years in Israel reflect the influence of several factors, as can be seen in the interactive table. The two most prominent ones are:
    • Newly obtained first-hand knowledge of the geography of the land of Israel – This is reflected in many of Ramban's changes to his commentary.48
    • Expanded library of previously unavailable sources and texts:49
      • Northern French exegesis50 – R. Yosef Bekhor Shor,51 "Chakhmei HaZarefatim",52 Chizkuni.53
      • Exegesis from Islamic lands – R. Chananel's Torah Commentary,54 R. Nissim Gaon.55
      • Works from Israel and Byzantium and more – Targum Yerushalmi,56 Talmud Yerushalmi,57 Midrash Mishlei,58 Lekach Tov,59 Sifrei HaNisyonot,60 and Sefer HaLevanah.61
    • Other noteworthy features – Ramban's additions also contain most of his lengthy discussions on passages from Neviim.62
    • Very limited presence in the additions – the vast majority of both Ramban's Kabbalistic interpretations63 and his interpretations which are influenced by Radak are present already in the earlier layer of the commentary.


  • Topical – Ramban comments on about a third of the verses in the Torah.64 His commentary is selective in what it addresses, and is not a verse by verse commentary.65
  • Multidisciplinary – Ramban's commentary combines analyses of Rabbinic interpretation (מדרש), literal interpretations (פשט), and Kabbalistic interpretations (סוד)‎.66 This heterogeneous character was unique and may account for part of the commentary's popularity.67
  • Dialectic – Ramban regularly opens his analyses by surveying the exegesis of his predecessors. These alternative interpretations serve as foils for Ramban's own positions.
  • Categories of questions – 
  • – 



  • – 


Significant Influences

  • Earlier Sources – Rashi, Radak, Northern French exegetes
  • Teachers – R. Ezra, R. Azriel
  • Foils – Ibn Ezra

Occasional Usage

  • Geonim, Ibn Janach, R. Yosef Kimchi – 

Possible Relationship

  • Rashbam, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, R. Yonah – 


Later Exegetes

  • R. Bachya, Tur, Ran, Seforno, Ma'asei Hashem – 


  • Tur – 
  • Recanati –