Cursing Canaan/1/en

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Cursing Canaan


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A Misdirected Curse

After recounting the details of the flood, Sefer Bereshit shares one final story regarding Noach.  After planting a vineyard, Noach becomes drunk from its fruit and reveals himself in his tent.  His son Cham sees him in his nakedness, while Shem and Yefet cover him up.  The latter are blessed, but surprisingly, it is not Cham who is cursed, but rather his son, Canaan.  Bereshit Rabbah asks the obvious question, "חָם חָטָא וּכְנַעַן נִתְקַלֵּל, אֶתְמָהָא"!?  If Cham sinned, why is it Canaan who is punished? Two verses in the story speak of what was done to Noach.