Cursing Canaan/2/en

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Noach's Vineyard

Exegetical Approaches

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Canaan Sinned

Noach punished Canaan because Canaan had wronged him the most.

"בְּנוֹ הַקָּטָן"
  • Canaan – Most of these sources maintain that this refers to Canaan, the youngest son of Cham.1  According to Seforno, Canaan is called Noach's son, despite his being his grandson, because 'בְּנֵי בָּנִים הֲרֵי הֵם כְּבָנִים', (a person's grandsons are like his sons). R. Yosef Kara and Ibn Ezra assert, in contrast, that the "וי"ו" of "בְּנוֹ" refers back to Cham.2

Canaan Born from Cham's Sin

Canaan was cursed as an illegitimate child born of the illicit union between Cham and Noach's wife.

Canaan Cursed for Cham's Sin

Canaan not Cursed

Canaan was never cursed; only Cham was.