Cursing Canaan/2/en

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Noach's Vineyard

Exegetical Approaches

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Canaan Sinned

Noach punished Canaan because Canaan had wronged him the most.

"אֵת אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה לוֹ בְּנוֹ הַקָּטָן" – All these sources agree that the verse cannot be speaking of the action done by Cham, since he was not the youngest of Noach's sons1.  They disagree, though, regarding who is the subject of the phrase:
  • Canaan – Most of these commentators maintain that the term refers to Canaan, the youngest son of Cham.2  Seforno explains that Canaan is called Noach's son, despite his being his grandson, because 'בְּנֵי בָּנִים הֲרֵי הֵם כְּבָנִים', (a person's grandsons are like his sons). R. Yosef Kara, Ibn Ezra, and Ralbag assert, instead, that the "וי"ו" of "בְּנוֹ" refers back to Cham.3
  • Shem – R"Y Bekhor Shor, in contrast, suggests that the verse refers to Shem whom, he claims, was Noach's youngest son.4  According to him, the verse speaks not of the evil which was done to Noach, but rather the good.  Its purpose is to emphasize that, of the three sons, Shem acted most appropriately and was thus the most blessed.
What did Canaan do?
  • Revealed Noach's nakedness – According to R"Y Bekhor Shor, the word "וַיִּתְגַּל" is not a reflexive form, but rather means that "Noach was revealed" by others.  As such, he suggests that it was Canaan who did so, while Cham
  • Castrated/ Sodomized Noach

Canaan Born from Cham's Sin

Canaan was cursed as an illegitimate child born of the illicit union between Cham and Noach's wife.

Canaan Cursed for Cham's Sin

Canaan not Cursed

Canaan was never cursed; only Cham was.