Decalogue Differences Between Shemot and Devarim/2/he

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7: <p>Ibn Ezra and several other medieval commentators assert that the discrepancies are insignificant and simply a natural outcome of Moshe's paraphrasing of Hashem's words, in which only the general meaning need be preserved. In contrast, many modern exegetes suggest that the Devarim rendition of the commandments constituted an intentional updating of the original Shemot version, as it was addressed to a different audience and set of circumstances. Thus, Shadal maintains that Moshe wanted to impart specific messages to the new generation which was about to enter the Land of Israel. Developing this further, the Hoil Moshe considers the new version to represent the ideal, appropriate only for the second generation and their higher spiritual level. On the other hand, Malbim asserts that the second set were in effect a downgrade, appropriate for the lower level of the nation after they had sinned with the Golden Calf. Finally, many Midrashic sources posit a third approach, that the two Decalogues were both given simultaneously in the first year, and that both have legal relevance for all generations.</p></div>