Dictionary:גרש – גרושה/0

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< Dictionary:גרש – גרושה
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גרש / גרושה

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גרש – גרושה
Part of SpeechVerb
Possible Meanings
Related Words_

Possible Meanings

While Rabbinic Hebrew generally employs the verb גרש to refer to the act of divorcing, Biblical Hebrew use the verb forms of שלח (see Bereshit 21 regarding the case of Hagar) to describe this action. Biblical Hebrew does use גרושה to refer to a woman divorcee (see Vayikra 21:14, 22:13, Bemidbar 30:10, Yechezkel 44:22, 45:9).


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Disputed Cases


Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Modern Hebrew