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< Dictionary:כהן
Version as of 19:34, 11 August 2014 by Root (talk | contribs)

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Part of SpeechVerb
Possible Meanings
  1. Serve as a priest
  2. Be adorned
Related Wordsכֹּהֵן

Possible Meanings

1. Serve as a priest

  • Biblical verses – The vast majority of the occurrences of both the verb כהן and the noun כֹּהֵן refer to a priest who serves either Hashem or an idolatrous god.
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2. Be adorned

  • Biblical verses – In Yeshayahu 61:10 yekhahen does not mean to serve as a priest, but rather to be adorned or clothed (perhaps, like a priest). See also Shemuel II 8:18 where the noun כֹּהֵן refers not to a priest but to a different type of distinguished individual.
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  • Biblical verses –
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Disputed Cases


Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Modern Hebrew