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< Dictionary:שלח
Version as of 03:11, 29 November 2013 by Root (talk | contribs)

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Part of SpeechVerb
Possible Meanings
  1. Send
Related Wordsשִׁלּוּחִים

Possible Meanings

1. Send

  • Various forms of the verb שלח appear over 800 times in Tanakh, and all of the forms are related to the same basic meaning of sending.
  • While the standard active (פָּעַל) form usually means simply "to send,"1 the intensive (פִּעֵל and פֻּעַל) forms of the verb frequently2 have the more specific connotation of "to send away" (permanently)3 or "to send upon/against" (forcefully). In some verses, the intensive form describes sending away a woman after a divorce.4

Disputed Cases


Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Modern Hebrew