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Part of SpeechNoun
Possible Meanings
  1. Physical structure of a house
  2. Family or household
  3. Location which houses
  4. The inside of
  5. A house and its contents
Related Wordsבִּיתַן

Possible Meanings

1. Physical structure of a house1

  • Biblical verses – Bereshit 12:15, 19:2, 24:23, 27:15, 28:2, 29:13
  • This is the primary meaning of the word, and this basic meaning is extended in a number of directions:2
  • Additional data –

2. Family or household3

3. Location which houses / receptacle which contains

4. The inside of (in adverb or prepositional phrase)

5. A house and all of its contents and affairs

Disputed Cases

Bereshit 12:1


עשה בית

בנה בית‎9

Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Biblical בית is sometimes understood as a wife – see Mishna Yoma 1:1 regarding Vayikra 16:6. This is a narrowing of the meaning of a family.

Modern Hebrew
