Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice/1/en
Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice?
<a class="wordright" href="../Media/2Shemot/18/Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice/Hebrew Study Guide.doc">Hebrew Study Guide:</a> <a class="pdf" href="../Media/2Shemot/18/Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice/Hebrew Study Guide.pdf">PDF</a>
The second half of Chapter 18 begins with a description of how the nation stood in line all day long waiting to be judged by Moshe. Upon viewing this scene, Yitro realizes that the situation is unbearable, and he makes the rather obvious suggestion that Moshe appoint other judges to assist with the workload. Whereupon Moshe implements Yitro's advice and Yitro departs having accomplished his objective.
Interestingly, there is no other case in the Torah of anybody besides Hashem offering Moshe advice.1 Additionally, Yitro's advice seems like such an obvious and simple solution that one cannot help but wonder: How could it be that Moshe, the greatest of all men and in possession of a direct line to Hashem, needed Yitro's help to figure this out? As Abarbanel aptly formulates in his fifth question on this chapter:2
In Exegetical Approaches we will examine a range of approaches to this question which differ in their portrayal of both Moshe and Yitro, as well as in their understanding of the relationship between the different units in our chapter.