Did Shemuel Come Back to Life/2
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Did Shemuel Come Back to Life?
Exegetical Approaches
Shemuel was Brought Back to Life
This opinion subdivides regarding who revived Shemuel:
By Ba'alat Ha'Ov
Ba'alat Ha'Ov had powers to bring Shemuel back to life.
Powers of Ba'alat Ha'Ov – According to these sources, necromancy is a real art1 and some people have the power to bring the dead back to life. Malbim, nonetheless, limits this ability, maintaining that a necromancer can affect only the material soul which stays with the physical body for twelve months after death. The noble, soul, however, is immune to such magic as it returns to its Creator immediately upon a person's demise.
How did Ba'alat Ha'Ov recognize Shaul? According to these sources, the dead materialize in different ways when called by a king rather than by a layman. To greet a king, the dead will emerge from the ground with their head first, while for a regular person the legs exit first.
"וַתִּזְעַק בְּקוֹל גָּדוֹל" – Malbim explains that Ba'alat Ha'Ov cried out because as soon as Shemuel emerged head first she realized that Shaul had deceived her and that she had been speaking to the king all along.
Seeing versus hearing – The verses suggest that while only Ba'alat Ha'Ov was able to see Shemuel,2 Shaul was able to hear and converse with him. These sources claim that this is how necromancy works. The one who raises the dead can see him, while the one who requested him hears his voice.
"וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל" / "וַתֵּרֶא הָאִשָּׁה אֶת שְׁמוּאֵל" – These verses can be understood literally as it was really Shemuel who appeared to the woman and spoke to Shaul.
Knowledge of past and future – Since Shemuel himself was speaking, he had full knowledge of past events. In addition, as a prophet, he could tell Shaul what was to occur in the future.
Shemuel's anger – Shemuel is upset about being resurrected since the dead are not meant to be brought back to life by black magic.
Prohibition against necromancy – According to this position, the prohibition stems not from the fact that there is no truth to the art (As Ibn Ezra and Rambam claim), but
By Hashem
Hashem, not Ba'alat Ha'Ov, revived Shemuel.
Powers of Ba'alat HaOv – According to this position, humans do not have the ability to bring back the dead and the Ba'alat Ha'Ov normally only tricked people into believing that she did.
"וַתִּזְעַק בְּקוֹל גָּדוֹל" – As the Ba'alat Ha'Ov had never in her life revived someone from the dead she was shocked that Shemuel had come back to life, and screamed in terror upon seeing him.
How did Ba'alat Ha'Ov recognize Shaul? The fact that a miracle occurred might have led her to conclude that the person seeking Shemuel must have been important enough to merit one, leading her to recognize Shaul.
"אֱלֹהִים רָאִיתִי עֹלִים מִן הָאָרֶץ" – Abarbanel suggests that according to this position the Ba'alat Ha'Ov referred to Shemuel as "Elokim" because she recognized the hand of God in the resurrection.
"Whom shall I raise" – Abarbanel questions this approach on the grounds that the woman's invitation, "whom shall I raise for you" assumes that she had such capabilities.3 These commentators would respond that this was simply part of her deception, a way of convincing her clients to believe in her abilities.
Description of Shemuel – The woman is able to describe Shemuel accurately since she was really seeing him.
"וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל אֶל שָׁאוּל" – R. Saadia points to this phrase as proof that Shemuel had been resurrected, for if this was just the necromancer pretending to be Shemuel, how could the narrator write, "and Shemuel spoke"?
Knowledge of past and future – Shemuel, as a prophet revived by Hashem, could easily refer back to events that had happened in the past and also foretell the future.
Why speak to Shaul in this manner? R. Chofni Gaon4 questions, if Hashem revived Shemuel so as to share with Shaul what was to occur during the war, why did He not more simply answer Shaul through the permitted methods (prophecy or dreams) that Shaul had sought to begin with! In addition, such a method had the added danger of leading people to believe that a necromancer really could bring back the dead!
Shemuel's Soul Lived On
Sources: R. Shemuel b. Eli
A Demon was Created
Ba'alat Ha'Ov had a demon cling to Shemuel's body
Powers of Ba'alat HaOv
The Demon
Usages of the Ov in Tanakh
Shemuel speaking
Shemuel's prophecy
No One Came Back to Life
Ba'alat Ha'ov's Trickery
Ba'alat Ha'Ov pretended that she saw and heard Shemuel, leading Shaul to believe that Shemuel had been brought back to life.
Sources: R. Shemuel b. Chofni Gaon
Powers of Ba'alat Ha'Ov – According to this position all necromancers are frauds who deceive their clients into believing that they have resurrected someone.
How did she fool Shaul? According to R. Shemuel b. Chofni Gaon (as brought by Radak) the woman simply pretended that she saw Shemuel and arranged for another person to hide and speak in a low voice to sound like the prophet. Alternatively, she disguised her own voice and used ventriloquism to throw the sound so it appeared to emerge from a different place. Since Shaul was already anxious and strongly desired to speak to Shemuel, he was deceived.5
How did Ba'alat Ha'Ov know who Shaul was? R. Shemuel b. Chofni Gaon (as brought by Radak) asserts that Ba'alat HaOv had recognized Shaul immediately after he arrived. However, she kept this knowledge to herself until later so that Shaul would think that she identified him only through supernatural powers.
"וַתִּזְעַק בְּקוֹל גָּדוֹל" – The lady's loud cry was part of the ruse to suggest that it was her magic which revealed that the person requesting Shemuel was Shaul.
Describing Shemuel – The Ba'alat Ha'Ov might have seen Shemuel while he was alive and thus had no problem describing him to Shaul even though she did not revive him. However, even if she had never seen the prophet, the description she gives is very vague, and probably true of any number of people.6
"וַיֵּדַע שָׁאוּל כִּי שְׁמוּאֵל הוּא" – R. Shemuel b. Chofni Gaon maintains that the verse can say that Shaul "knew" it was Shemuel even though it was not really him because the root "ידע" can also mean to believe.7
"וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל" – R. Saadia questions that if the conversation took place between Shaul and Ba'alat Ha'Ov (and not Shemuel), how can the verse say "וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל". R. Chofni Gaon responds that this is simply a short way for the verse to say that Ba'alat Ha'Ov said her speech in the name of Shemuel.8 Alternatively, the verse is speaking from the perspective of Shaul9 who believed that Shemuel was talking.10
Knowledge of past – R. Chofni posits that Shemuel's earlier prophecy that Hashem would cut Shaul's dynasty and that Hashem had left him was public knowledge. So, too, were his sins and the fact that David was supposed to be his successor. As such, Ba'alat Ha'Ov could speak of these facts.
Knowledge of future – Since the Ba'alat Ha'ov was aware of both the Philistines' strength and Shaul's low morale and state of mind, she guessed that Israel was to lose the coming battle and that Shaul would die. Her words were not proof that she was privy to some esoteric knowledge but simply an educated guess.
Shaul's Imagination
Shaul only imagined that Shemuel had returned from the dead.
Powers of Ba'alat Ha'Ov – According to Ralbag, the power of the Ba'alat ha'Ov lay in her ability to awaken and strengthen the imagination so that a person seeking to speak with the dead would imagine a conversation on the topic he desired.
The role of Ba'alat Ha'Ov – Abarbanel questions why, according to this theory, Shaul needed to visit the Ba'alat Ha'Ov rather than simply find a place of solitude in which to sit alone with his thoughts and imaginings. Ralbag maintains that it is specific speech and actions of the Ov which enable the imagination, and at home Shaul would not have achieved the same result.12
How did Ba'alat Ha'Ov know who Shaul was? According to Ralbag, the Ov's actions to invoke the imagination work on herself as well, leading her to envision in her mind the person being sought. As such, she recognized that it was the prophet Shemuel who had been requested rather than any other Shemuel. This led to the realization that the questioner must have been the king, causing her to cry out in alarm.
Describing Shemuel – Ralbag might say that the woman described what she imagined Shemuel to look like, which was presumably based on how she had seen him in life.
"וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל" – This position would say that this verse is written from the perspective of Shaul who imagined that Shemuel was talking to him.
Knowledge of past events – Since the entire conversation was happening in Shaul's head, it could refer to events that Shaul had heard Shemuel speak of in the past: his sin with Amalek, losing the kingship to David etc. It is not surprising that feelings of guilt and fear were prominent in his thoughts.
Knowledge of the future – Ralbag explains that Shaul had some prophetic powers13 which enabled him to see the future. In addition, since Shaul knew that Hashem had left him and the upcoming war reminded him of his mortality, it is not hard to see how he could have imagined Shemuel telling him of such a fate.
Differentiating truth and imagination – Abarbanel questions how Shaul would not be aware that all he heard was just a figment of his imagination. He claims that such a lack of clarity is found only in people with mental disorders who have lost their mind, and that it is difficult to suggest that Shaul fell into such a category.