Eliyahu at Chorev/2

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Eliyahu at Chorev

Exegetical Approaches

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The revelation at Chorev was a reward for Eliyahu's sanctification of Hashem on Mt. Carmel and his leading the Children of Israel to resume worship of Hashem.

Why Sinai? Hashem revealed Himself to Eliyahu in exactly the same place that He had revealed Himself to Moshe. Radak, following Onkelos, even identifies the cave with the "crevice in the rock" from which Moshe  saw Hashem.  The parallel serves to heighten the honor, as eliyahu is equated the highest of prophets.
Miraculous journey
Revelation as reward: Biblical parallels
"מַה לְּךָ פֹה אֵלִיָּהוּ" – Radak suggests that this question is simply way of entering into conversation with Eliyahu.
'"קַנֹּא קִנֵּאתִי לַה"
Wind, earthquake and fire
Small still voice



Through the revelation, Hashem renewed the appointment of Eliyahu, encouraging him to continue in his mission.

Sources:Prof. U. Simon