Endangering Sarai in Egypt/2

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Endangering Sarai in Egypt

Exegetical Approaches

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Unaware of Danger

Avram did not recognize that going down to Egypt was going to endanger Sarai until it was too late.

Descent to Egypt – These commentators assert that Avram only left the land promised to him by Hashem because the severe conditions brought by the famine left him no choice.3  As such, his actions are not considered problematic. Both Radak and Abarbanel further stress that Avram only planned to move temporarily and was thus not rejecting Hashem's chosen land.
"הִנֵּה נָא יָדַעְתִּי..." – Most of these commentators define the word "נָא" in this verse as  "now".4 Avram had either truly never noticed Sarai's beauty beforehand,5 or only first appreciated it now, when contrasting Sarai with the Egyptians.6 It was thus, only on entry into Egypt, that Avram recognized that there was potential danger.7  Radak and Abarbanel maintain that had he known sooner, Avram would never have gone down.
"וְהָרְגוּ אֹתִי וְאֹתָךְ יְחַיּוּ" – According to Radak, Akeidat Yitzchak and Abarbanel, in these words Avram is pointing to the dangers that faced both him and Sarai - for him, death and for her, an equally terrible fate, to be left alive so as to be raped.
"וְחָיְתָה נַפְשִׁי" - Is his life more important? Radak explains that Avram thought that Sarai would be in worse danger if he were dead rather than alive.  Though the Egyptians might take her either way, Avraham's presence would shame them into minimizing their base actions, whereas his death would leave Sarai at the mercy of their whims.8
Why a sister specifically? Though Radak does not address the issue explicitly, he might maintain that Avram thought he could best watch over Sarai if others believed that they were related (but not married).  This way they could live together, and their kinship would help ensure that the Egyptians acted with at least a modicum of conscience.9
Lying and leading Egypt to sin – Most of these commentators would likely maintain that lying is not problematic if it will help save a life, and that telling the truth would not have stopped the Egyptians from sinning anyway.10 Akeidat Yitzchak suggests that even Paroh agreed that the ruse was valid in light of the Egyptian's reputation, and that he only complained why Avram had not told him personally the truth.
"לְמַעַן יִיטַב לִי בַעֲבוּרֵךְ" - asking for riches? Radak, Akeidat Yitzchak and Abarbanel explain that this clause is parallel to and defined by the immediately following one, "וְחָיְתָה נַפְשִׁי בִּגְלָלֵךְ".‎11  It is inconceivable that Avram would desire to get rich off the shame of his wife.12  Moreover, he had no need of riches, being independently wealthy.  The only reason he even accepted the later gifts was his fear of displeasing Paroh.13
Why punish Paroh?
Why does Avram repeat the actions in Gerar? The repeated actions in Gerar are difficult for this position for it would be hard to say that there too Avraham was taken by surprise.14

Preservation of Life Most Important

It was legitimate to put Sarai in potential danger if in so doing Avram's life was to be saved.

Descent to Egypt – This approach lauds Avram's decision to escape almost certain death due to famine rather than trust that Hashem would save him.16  Commandments were given to live by, not to die for, and thus, temporarily leaving the land to escape famine is not seen as a transgression.
"הִנֵּה נָא יָדַעְתִּי..."
"וְהָרְגוּ אֹתִי וְאֹתָךְ יְחַיּוּ"
"וְחָיְתָה נַפְשִׁי" - Is his life more important?
Why a sister specifically?
Lying and leading Egypt to sin
"לְמַעַן יִיטַב לִי בַעֲבוּרֵךְ" - asking for riches?
Why punish Paroh?
Why does Avram repeat the actions in Gerar?

Hoping to Protect Sarai

Avram Sinned

Avram's actions in descending to Egypt and endangering Sari were problematic and Avram was punished for them.