Esther's Religious Identity/1

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Esther's Religious Identity


Reader Assumptions

Most readers of Tanakh tend to assume that its heroes and heroines are observant Jews.  Often, though, Tanakh does not actually share such facts and in reality we know very little about any individual character's observance of specific commandments.  Tanakh's silence might be due to the fact that the issue is often irrelevant to a story's larger message, or because the observance is simply assumed.  Either way, it leaves room for one to question individual figures, especially, as is the case in Megillat Esther, when the story line might actually suggest non-observance.

Where is Hashem?

Religion is conspicuously absent from the Megillah, even when expected. The lack of Hashem's name from the scroll is well known; neither the narrator nor any of the protagonists ever mention it or attribute any events to the hand of Hashem.  Likewise, there is no evidence of attempts to keep the faith when in the palace, and though anticipated, neither Esther nor Mordechai even pray to Hashem after hearing of Haman's edict.1  Moreover, nowhere does Esther protest being taken to the king and marrying a non-Jew.  How is one to explain this lack of religiosity?

Contrasting Stories

These points are glaring in light of the actions of other Biblical characters who find themselves in similar positions of prominence in exile. Daniel, in stark contrast to Esther, refuses to eat of the king's foods and risks his life to pray to Hashem. Yosef rejects Mrs. Potiphar's advances and constantly points to Hashem's hand in all that he does.2 The Septuagint's recounting of the Esther tale might serve as the strongest foil, for it adds the religious observance that the Megillah lacks. It presents Mordechai as warning Esther to remain loyal to her faith before going to the palace and includes the prayers of both before Esther speaks to Achashverosh. Do these foils prove that Esther was not a religiously observant Jew, or, as suggested above, are arguments from silence inconclusive?

What is the Difference?

Understanding Esther's religious identity bears on many aspects of the story:

  • Becoming queen and marrying Achasheverosh – Did Esther willingly go to the palace and desire to become queen?  Should she not have sacrificed herself rather than unlawfully sleep with the king? See Esther's Relations with Achashverosh for a full discussion.
  • Observance in the palace – Did Esther try to keep the Torah's commandments when in the palace?  If so, how was this possible? See How Did Esther Conceal Her Religious Identity for elaboration. 
  • Hiding her identity - What led Mordechai to instruct Esther to hide her identity?  Was this going to help or hinder observance?   See Why Conceal Esther's Religious Identity for details.
  •  Esther's dual name – Esther has both a Persian and Jewish name, Hadassah.  The former seems to be related to the foreign god, Ishtar.  Is this a coincidence or does it suggest something about Esther's assimilation into Persian society?
  • Missing name of Hashem – Why is it that there is no mention of Hashem in the scroll?  Is this a reflection of His being absent from the characters' consciousnesses?