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Resource Articles

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Parashat Bereshit

Parashat Noach

Parashat Lech Lecha

  • Finished and Unfinished Journeys, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin. Rabbi Goldin explores the concept that Avraham continued Terach’s journey, and suggests that Avraham’s greatness is rooted in his persistence and perseverance.
  • Grow Up! A Religious Imperative, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm. Rabbi Lamm characterizes the commandment to Avraham to leave his childhood home as an imperative to develop maturity, and explores the meaning of maturity and its manifestations in Avraham’s story.
  • Gerut, Avdut, and Innuy: The Covenantal Formula in Go Forth and Learn: A Passover Haggadah, Rabbi David Silber. Rabbi Silber interprets the promise of exile and slavery in brit bein habetarim as a prerequisite to becoming a nation of compassion.
  • A Palace in Flames, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. Rabbi Sacks explores the interpretations of Avraham’s search for God, and what they teach us about Avraham’s moral legacy.
  • Perspectives on the Avot and Imahot, Rabbi Avishai David. Rabbi David explores the concept of maasei avot siman lebanim and different approaches to understanding the actions of the avot and imahot.
  • Abraham and the 1960’s: Technocracy and the Journey Inward, Sam Glauber. The author explores Abraham’s identity as a seeker who chafes against a technocractic, progress-oriented society.

Parashat Chayyei Sarah

Parashat Toledot



