Tanakh and the Ancient Near EastPrint Click on any picture below for discussion. Sefer Bereshit Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East The Mabbul and Mesopotamian Myths Sefer Shemot Moshe's Birth and the Legend of Sargon Egyptian Background and the Exodus Narrative Tanakh and Ancient Near Eastern Law Codes Treaties in Tanakh and the Ancient Near East Sefer Bemidbar Balaam Inscription Sefer Devarim Treaties in Tanakh and the Ancient Near East Sefer Melakhim I Shishak's Campaign and Egyptian Sources Achav, Aram, and the Battle of Qarqar Sefer Melakhim II The Moabite Rebellion and the Mesha Stele Aram's Relations with Israel in Assyrian Sources Chazael and the Tel Dan Stele Sancheriv's Campaign The Last Kings of Yehuda Evidence of the Babylonian Destruction Sefer Yeshayahu Sancheriv's Campaign The Message of Yeshayahu 20 Sefer Yirmeyahu Lachish Ostraca Sefer Ezra The Cyrus Cylinder