Lemekh and His Wives in Art/0/en

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Lemekh in Art


The character of Lamekh appears in Tanakh only briefly, relaying an enigmatic speech to his wives which hints to a murder, but does not elaborate further.  The four artworks displayed here, the painting by William Blake,1 the woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 2 the engraving by the Alexander Master,3 and the miniature from the Speculum humanæ salvationis all depict the event. The portrayals differ in almost every detail, from the choice of characters included, to the emotions they express and the actions they commit.  The variety reflects the many different ways the story has been understood.

Contrasting Images



Alexander Master

Speculum humanæ salvationis

Relationship to the Biblical Text

The artists' choices reflect certain ambiguities in the Biblical text and different possible interpretive stances: